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1 /*
2  Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Tampere University.
4  This file is part of TTA-Based Codesign Environment (TCE).
6  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
7  copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
8  to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
9  the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
10  and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
11  Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
13  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
14  all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
23  */
24 /**
25  * @file BoostGraph.icc
26  *
27  * Boost-based templated implementation of graph base class.
28  * In-line implementation of templated methods.
29  *
30  * @author Andrea Cilio 2005 (
31  * @author Vladimir Guzma 2006 (
32  * @author Heikki Kultala 2007-2010
33  * @author Pekka Jääskeläinen 2009-2010
34  * @note rating: red
35  */
37 #include <queue>
38 #include <map>
39 #include <algorithm>
40 #include <climits>
41 #include <boost/version.hpp>
42 #include <boost/format.hpp>
44 #include "CompilerWarnings.hh"
45 IGNORE_COMPILER_WARNING("-Wunused-parameter")
46 IGNORE_CLANG_WARNING("-Wunused-local-typedef")
47 #include <boost/graph/topological_sort.hpp>
49 #if BOOST_VERSION < 104000
50 #include <boost/property_map.hpp>
51 #else
52 #include <boost/property_map/property_map.hpp>
53 #endif
55 #include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
56 #include <boost/graph/graphviz.hpp>
57 #include <boost/graph/johnson_all_pairs_shortest.hpp>
61 #include "Conversion.hh"
62 #include "AssocTools.hh"
63 #include "Application.hh"
64 #include "SetTools.hh"
65 #include "hash_map.hh"
67 /**
68  * Constructor
69  *
70  */
71 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
72 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::BoostGraph(bool allowLoopEdges) :
73  height_(-1), parentGraph_(NULL), sgCounter_(0),
74  allowLoopEdges_(allowLoopEdges), pathCache_(NULL) {}
76 /**
77  * Constructor
78  *
79  */
80 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
81 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::BoostGraph(
82  const TCEString& name, bool allowLoopEdges) :
83  height_(-1), parentGraph_(NULL), name_(name), sgCounter_(0),
84  allowLoopEdges_(allowLoopEdges), pathCache_(NULL) {}
86 /**
87  * Copy constructor
88  *
89  */
90 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
91 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::BoostGraph(
92  const BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>& other, bool allowLoopEdges) :
93  GraphBase<GraphNode, GraphEdge>(), height_(other.height_),
94  parentGraph_(NULL) , name_(, sgCounter_(0),
95  allowLoopEdges_(allowLoopEdges), pathCache_(NULL) {
97  // table which node of other
98  std::map<GraphNode*, GraphNode*> nodeMap;
100  for (int i = 0; i < other.nodeCount(); i++) {
101  GraphNode& currNode = other.node(i);
102  if (nodeMap.find(&currNode) == nodeMap.end()){
103  nodeMap[&currNode] =
104  dynamic_cast<GraphNode*>(currNode.clone());
105  addNode(*nodeMap[&currNode]);
106  }
108  GraphNode* ourTail = nodeMap[&currNode];
110  // copy all out edges of the node
111  EdgeSet outs = other.outEdges(currNode);
112  typename EdgeSet::iterator iter;
113  for (iter = outs.begin(); iter != outs.end(); iter++) {
114  GraphEdge* outEdge = *iter;
115  GraphNode& headNode = other.headNode(*outEdge);
117  if (nodeMap.find(&headNode) == nodeMap.end()){
118  nodeMap[&headNode] =
119  dynamic_cast<GraphNode*>(headNode.clone());
120  addNode(*nodeMap[&headNode]);
121  }
123  GraphNode* ourHead = nodeMap[&headNode];
124  GraphEdge* ourEdge = dynamic_cast<GraphEdge*>(outEdge->clone());
126  connectNodes(*ourTail, *ourHead, *ourEdge);
127  }
128  }
129 }
131 /**
132  * Destructor
133  *
134  * This automatically deletes all edges that have been in the graph.
135  * Those should not be deleted by destructors of deleted graphs.
136  */
137 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
138 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::~BoostGraph() {
139  if (parentGraph_ != NULL) {
140  parentGraph_->detachSubgraph(*this);
141  }
142  for (typename std::set<GraphEdge*>::iterator i = ownedEdges_.begin();
143  i != ownedEdges_.end(); i++) {
144  delete *i;
145  }
146  delete pathCache_;
147  pathCache_ = NULL;
148 }
150 /**
151  * Adds a node to the graph.
152  *
153  * Once added, a node is owned and managed by the graph.
154  *
155  * Adding a node does not add it to the subgraphs of a graph,
156  * but does add into the parent graph.
157  *
158  * @param node Node to be added.
159  */
160 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
161 void
162 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::addNode(GraphNode& node) {
163  NodeDescriptor nd = boost::add_vertex(&node, graph_);
164  nodeDescriptors_[&node] = nd;
166  if (height_ != -1) {
167  sourceDistances_[&node] = 0;
168  sinkDistances_[&node] = 0;
170  loopingSourceDistances_[&node] = 0;
171  loopingSinkDistances_[&node] = 0;
172  }
174  // add node also to parent graph
175  if (parentGraph_ != NULL) {
176  parentGraph_->addNode(node);
177  }
178 }
180 /**
181  * Returns the number of nodes contained in this graph.
182  *
183  * @returns The number of nodes.
184  */
185 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
186 int
187 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::nodeCount() const {
188  return boost::num_vertices(graph_);
189 }
191 /**
192  * Returns the number of edges contained in this graph.
193  *
194  * @returns The number of edges.
195  */
196 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
197 int
198 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::edgeCount() const {
199  return boost::num_edges(graph_);
200 }
202 /**
203  * Returns the node of the graph identified by the given index.
204  *
205  * Notice that the index is not constant. If nodes are added or removed from
206  * the graph, the index of an untouched node may change.
207  *
208  * @param index Index of a node of the graph.
209  * @returns The node currently identified by the given index.
210  * @exception OutOfRange If the given index is negative, or is not smaller
211  * than the number of nodes of the graph.
212  */
213 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
214 GraphNode&
215 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::node(const int index) const {
216  return node(index, true);
217 }
219 /**
220  * Returns the node of the graph identified by the given index.
221  *
222  * Notice that the index is not constant. If nodes are added or removed from
223  * the graph, the index of an untouched node may change.
224  *
225  * @param index Index of a node of the graph.
226  * @returns The node currently identified by the given index.
227  * @exception OutOfRange If the given index is negative, or is not smaller
228  * than the number of nodes of the graph.
229  */
230 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
231 GraphNode&
232 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::node(
233  const int index, bool cacheResult) const {
234  if (index < 0 || index >= nodeCount()) {
235  TCEString procName("BoostGraph::node");
236  boost::format errorMsg("Node index %1% out of range [0, %2%).");
237  errorMsg % index % nodeCount();
238  throw OutOfRange(__FILE__, __LINE__, procName, errorMsg.str());
239  }
240  NodeDescriptor nd = boost::vertex(index, graph_);
241  Node* n = graph_[nd];
242  if (cacheResult) {
243  nodeDescriptors_[n] = nd;
244  }
245  return *n;
246 }
248 /**
249  * Returns the edge of the graph identified by the given index.
250  *
251  * Notice that the index is not constant. If edges are added or removed from
252  * the graph, the index of an untouched edge may change.
253  *
254  * Running time of this function is O(n) where n is the number of edges.
255  *
256  * @param index Index of an edge of the graph.
257  * @returns The edge currently identified by the given index.
258  * @exception OutOfRange If the given index is negative, or is not smaller
259  * than the number of edges of the graph.
260  */
261 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
262 GraphEdge&
263 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::edge(const int index) const {
264  if (index < 0 || index >= edgeCount()) {
265  TCEString procName("BoostGraph::edge");
266  boost::format errorMsg("Edge index %1% out of range [0, %2%).");
267  errorMsg % index % edgeCount();
268  throw OutOfRange(__FILE__, __LINE__, procName, errorMsg.str());
269  }
271  typedef std::pair<EdgeIter, EdgeIter> EdgeIterPair;
272  EdgeIterPair edges = boost::edges(graph_);
273  int counter = 0;
274  for (EdgeIter i = edges.first; i != edges.second; i++) {
275  if (counter == index) {
276  GraphEdge* theEdge = graph_[*i];
277  return *theEdge;
278  }
279  counter++;
280  }
281  assert(false);
282  // keep pedantic compilers quiet
283  return *graph_[*edges.second];
284 }
286 /**
287  * Returns the n:th outgoing edge from a given node.
288  *
289  * Warning: this function is slow. When iterating over all outgoing edges
290  * of a node, use outEdges instead.
291  *
292  * @param node Node whose outgoing edges we are searching
293  * @param index index of outgoing edge being asked
294  * @return The edge.
295  */
296 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
297 GraphEdge&
298 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::outEdge(
299  const GraphNode& node, const int index) const {
300  const TCEString procName("BoostGraph::outEdge");
302  if (outDegree(node) <= index) {
303  boost::format errorMsg(
304  "Outgoing edge at index %1% is out of range. The node "
305  "out-degree is %2%.");
306  errorMsg % index % outDegree(node);
307  throw OutOfRange(__FILE__, __LINE__, procName, errorMsg.str());
308  }
310  std::pair<OutEdgeIter, OutEdgeIter> edges =
311  boost::out_edges(descriptor(node), graph_);
312  if (edges.first == edges.second) {
313  TCEString errorMsg("Node does not belong to this graph.");
314  throw InstanceNotFound(__FILE__, __LINE__, procName, errorMsg);
315  }
317  GraphEdge* result = NULL;
318  int n = 0;
319  for (OutEdgeIter ei = edges.first; ei != edges.second; ei++) {
320  if (n == index) {
321  result = graph_[(*ei)];
322  break;
323  } else {
324  n++;
325  }
326  }
327  assert(result != NULL);
329  return *result;
330 }
332 /**
333  * Returns the n:th incoming edge to a given node.
334  *
335  * Warning: this function is slow. When iterating over all incoming edges
336  * of a node, use inEdges instead.
337  *
338  * @param node Node whose incoming edges we are searching
339  * @param index index of incoming edge being asked
340  * @return The edge.
341  */
342 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
343 GraphEdge&
344 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::inEdge(
345  const GraphNode& node, const int index) const {
346  std::pair<InEdgeIter, InEdgeIter> edges =
347  boost::in_edges(descriptor(node), graph_);
348  if (edges.first == edges.second) {
349  const TCEString procName("BoostGraph::inEdge");
350  TCEString errorMsg("Node does not belong to this graph.");
351  throw InstanceNotFound(__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, errorMsg);
352  }
354  GraphEdge* result = NULL;
355  int n = 0;
356  for (InEdgeIter ei = edges.first; ei != edges.second; ei++) {
357  if (n == index) {
358  result = graph_[(*ei)];
359  break;
360  } else {
361  n++;
362  }
363  }
364  if (result == NULL) {
365  boost::format errorMsg(
366  "Incoming edge at index %1% is out of range. The node "
367  "in-degree is %2%.");
368  errorMsg % index % inDegree(node);
369  throw OutOfRange(__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, errorMsg.str());
370  }
372  return *result;
373 }
375 /**
376  * Returns the outgoing edges of a node.
377  *
378  * @param node A node of the graph.
379  * @returns A set of edges.
380  */
381 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
382 typename BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::EdgeSet
383 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::outEdges(const GraphNode& node) const {
384  typedef typename GraphTraits::out_edge_iterator outEdgeIter;
385  std::pair<outEdgeIter, outEdgeIter> edges = boost::out_edges(
386  descriptor(node), graph_);
387  EdgeSet result;
388  for (outEdgeIter ei = edges.first; ei != edges.second; ei++) {
389  GraphEdge* edge = graph_[(*ei)];
390  // add to descriptor cache.
391  edgeDescriptors_[edge] = *ei;
392  result.insert(edge);
393  }
394  return result;
395 }
397 /**
398  * Returns the outgoing edges of a node in the root graph of the
399  * subgraph tree.
400  *
401  * @param node A node of the graph.
402  * @returns A set of edges.
403  */
404 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
405 typename BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::EdgeSet
406 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::rootGraphOutEdges(
407  const GraphNode& node) const {
408  if (parentGraph_ == NULL) {
409  return outEdges(node);
410  } else {
411  return parentGraph_->rootGraphOutEdges(node);
412  }
413 }
415 /**
416  * Returns the ingoing edges of a node.
417  *
418  * @param node A node of the graph.
419  * @returns A set of edges.
420  */
421 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
422 typename BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::EdgeSet
423 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::inEdges(const GraphNode& node) const {
424  typedef typename GraphTraits::in_edge_iterator InEdgeIter;
425  std::pair<InEdgeIter, InEdgeIter> edges = boost::in_edges(
426  descriptor(node), graph_);
427  EdgeSet result;
428  for (InEdgeIter ei = edges.first; ei != edges.second; ++ei) {
429  GraphEdge* edge = graph_[(*ei)];
430  edgeDescriptors_[edge] = *ei;
431  result.insert(edge);
432  }
433  return result;
434 }
436 /**
437  * Returns the ingoing edges of a node in the root graph of the subgraph tree.
438  *
439  * @param node A node of the graph.
440  * @returns A set of edges.
441  */
442 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
443 typename BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::EdgeSet
444 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::rootGraphInEdges(
445  const GraphNode& node) const {
446  if (parentGraph_ == NULL) {
447  return inEdges(node);
448  } else {
449  return parentGraph_->rootGraphInEdges(node);
450  }
451 }
453 /**
454  * Returns the ingoing edge of a node in the root graph of the subgraph tree.
455  *
456  * @param node A node of the graph.
457  * @param index index of edge.
458  * @return the edge edges.
459  */
460 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
461 typename BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::Edge&
462 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::rootGraphInEdge(
463  const GraphNode& node, const int index) const {
464  if (parentGraph_ == NULL) {
465  return inEdge(node, index);
466  } else {
467  return parentGraph_->rootGraphInEdge(node, index);
468  }
469 }
471 /**
472  * Returns the outgoing edge of a node in the root graph of the subgraph tree.
473  *
474  * @param node A node of the graph.
475  * @param index index of edge.
476  * @return the edge.
477  */
478 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
479 typename BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::Edge&
480 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::rootGraphOutEdge(
481  const GraphNode& node, const int index) const {
482  if (parentGraph_ == NULL) {
483  return outEdge(node, index);
484  } else {
485  return parentGraph_->rootGraphOutEdge(node, index);
486  }
487 }
489 /**
490  * Returns the output degree of a node, that is, the number of outgoing edges
491  * of a node.
492  *
493  * @param node A node of the graph.
494  * @returns A set of edges.
495  * @exception InstanceNotFound if the node does not belong to this graph.
496  */
497 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
498 int
499 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::outDegree(const GraphNode& node) const {
500  return boost::out_degree(descriptor(node), graph_);
501 }
503 /**
504  * Returns the input degree of a node, that is, the number of incoming edges
505  * of a node.
506  *
507  * @param node A node of the graph.
508  * @returns A set of edges.
509  * @exception InstanceNotFound if the node does not belong to this graph.
510  */
511 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
512 int
513 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::inDegree(const GraphNode& node) const {
514  return boost::in_degree(descriptor(node), graph_);
515 }
517 /**
518  * Returns the output degree of a node, that is, the number of outgoing edges
519  * of a node in the root graph of the subgraph tree
520  *
521  * @param node A node of the graph.
522  * @returns A set of edges.
523  * @exception InstanceNotFound if the node does not belong to this graph.
524  */
525 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
526 int
527 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::rootGraphOutDegree(
528  const GraphNode& node) const {
529  return parentGraph_ == NULL ?
530  boost::out_degree(descriptor(node), graph_) :
531  parentGraph_->rootGraphOutDegree(node);
532 }
534 /**
535  * Returns the input degree of a node, that is, the number of incoming edges
536  * of a node in the root graph of the subgraph tree
537  *
538  * @param node A node of the graph.
539  * @returns A set of edges.
540  * @exception InstanceNotFound if the node does not belong to this graph.
541  */
542 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
543 int
544 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::rootGraphInDegree(
545  const GraphNode& node) const {
546  return parentGraph_ == NULL ?
547  boost::in_degree(descriptor(node), graph_) :
548  parentGraph_->rootGraphInDegree(node);
549 }
551 /**
552  * Returns the tail node of a edge.
553  *
554  * Warning: this function is slow, O(n) to number of edges in the graph.
555  *
556  * @param edge Edge whose tail node we are asking
557  * @return The tail node of the given edge
558  */
559 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
560 GraphNode&
561 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::tailNode(const GraphEdge& edge) const {
562  EdgeDescriptor ed = descriptor(edge);
563  NodeDescriptor nd = boost::source(ed, graph_);
564  GraphNode* nn = graph_[nd];
565  nodeDescriptors_[nn] = nd;
566  return *nn;
567 }
569 /**
570  * Returns the tail node of a edge.
571  *
572  * This is faster but uglier version of the function.
573  *
574  * @param edge Edge whose tail node we are asking
575  * @return The tail node of the given edge
576  */
577 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
578 GraphNode&
579 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::tailNode(
580  const GraphEdge& edge, const NodeDescriptor& headNode) const {
581  EdgeDescriptor ed = edgeDescriptor(edge, headNode);
582  NodeDescriptor nd = boost::source(ed, graph_);
583  GraphNode* nn = graph_[nd];
584  nodeDescriptors_[nn] = nd;
585  return *nn;
586 }
588 /**
589  * Returns the head node of a edge.
590  *
591  * Warning: this function is slow, O(n) to number of edges in the graph.
592  *
593  * @param edge Edge whose head node we are asking
594  * @return The head node of the given edge
595  */
596 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
597 GraphNode&
598 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::headNode(const GraphEdge& edge) const {
599  EdgeDescriptor ed = descriptor(edge);
600  NodeDescriptor nd = boost::target(ed, graph_);
601  GraphNode* node = graph_[nd];
602  nodeDescriptors_[node] = nd;
603  return *node;
604 }
606 /**
607  * Returns the head node of a edge.
608  *
609  * This is faster but uglier version of the function.
610  *
611  * @param edge Edge whose head node we are asking
612  * @return The head node of the given edge
613  */
614 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
615 GraphNode&
616 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::headNode(
617  const GraphEdge& edge, const NodeDescriptor& tailNode) const {
618  EdgeDescriptor ed = edgeDescriptor(tailNode,edge);
619  NodeDescriptor nd = boost::target(ed, graph_);
620  GraphNode* node = graph_[nd];
621  nodeDescriptors_[node] = nd;
622  return *node;
623 }
625 /**
626  * Connects two nodes and attaches the given properties to the new graph
627  * edge connecting the nodes.
628  *
629  * Once registered into a graph connection, the edge properties are owned
630  * and managed by the graph. This method can be invoked repeatedly on the
631  * same pair of nodes; each time it will create a new (parallel) edge.
632  *
633  * @param nTail Tail node of the connection.
634  * @param nHead Head node of the connection.
635  * @param e Properties of the connecting edge.
636  */
637 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
638 void
639 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::connectNodes(
640  const GraphNode& nTail, const GraphNode& nHead, GraphEdge& e) {
641  connectNodes(nTail, nHead, e, NULL);
642 }
644 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
645 void
646 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::calculatePathLengthsOnConnect(
647  const GraphNode& nTail, const GraphNode& nHead, GraphEdge& e) {
649  if (height_ == -1) {
650  return;
651  }
652  int eWeight = edgeWeight(e, nHead);
653  auto loopingHeadIter = loopingSinkDistances_.find(&nHead);
654  auto loopingTailIter = loopingSourceDistances_.find(&nTail);
655  auto headIter = sinkDistances_.find(&nHead);
656  auto tailIter = sourceDistances_.find(&nTail);
658  if (loopingHeadIter != loopingSinkDistances_.end() &&
659  !e.isBackEdge()) {
660  calculateSinkDistance(
661  nTail, loopingHeadIter->second + eWeight, true);
662  }
664  if (headIter == sinkDistances_.end()) {
665  sinkDistances_[&nHead] = 0;
666  calculateSinkDistance(nTail, eWeight, e.isBackEdge());
667  } else {
668  calculateSinkDistance(
669  nTail, headIter->second + eWeight, e.isBackEdge());
670  }
672  if (loopingTailIter != loopingSourceDistances_.end() &&
673  !e.isBackEdge()) {
674  calculateSourceDistances(
675  &nHead, loopingTailIter->second + eWeight, true);
676  }
678  if (tailIter == sourceDistances_.end()) {
679  sourceDistances_[&nTail] = 0;
680  calculateSourceDistances(&nHead, eWeight, e.isBackEdge());
681  } else {
682  calculateSourceDistances(
683  &nHead, tailIter->second + eWeight, e.isBackEdge());
684  }
685 }
687 /**
688  * Connects two nodes and attaches the given properties to the new graph
689  * edge connecting the nodes.
690  *
691  * Once registered into a graph connection, the edge properties are owned
692  * and managed by the graph. This method can be invoked repeatedly on the
693  * same pair of nodes; each time it will create a new (parallel) edge.
694  *
695  * @param nTail Tail node of the connection.
696  * @param nHead Head node of the connection.
697  * @param e Properties of the connecting edge.
698  * @param modifier sub-or parent Graph which caused this procedure to be called
699  */
700 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
701 void
702 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::connectNodes(
703  const GraphNode& nTail, const GraphNode& nHead, GraphEdge& e,
704  GraphBase<GraphNode, GraphEdge>* modifier, bool creatingSG) {
705  // not add if invalid params
706  if (!hasNode(nTail) || !hasNode(nHead)) {
707  // for sub graphs silently skip it
708  if (parentGraph_ != NULL) {
709  return;
710  } else {
711  assert(hasNode(nTail)
712  && "Trying to connect tail node not on the graph");
713  assert(hasNode(nHead)
714  && "Trying to connect head node not on the graph");
715  }
716  }
718  if (hasEdge(nTail, nHead, e)) {
719  TCEString procName("BoostGraph::addEdge");
720  TCEString errorMsg("Edge already belongs to this graph.");
721  throw ObjectAlreadyExists(__FILE__, __LINE__, procName, errorMsg);
722  }
724  if (parentGraph_ == NULL && !creatingSG) {
725  ownedEdges_.insert(&e);
726  }
728  if (allowLoopEdges_ || !e.isBackEdge()) {
729  NodeDescriptor td = descriptor(nTail);
730  NodeDescriptor hd = descriptor(nHead);
731  if (!e.isBackEdge() && td == hd && creatingSG) {
732  std::cerr << "node: " << nTail.toString() << " edge: " << e.toString() << std::endl;
733  assert(0 && "non-loop-edge going from node to itsefl!");
734  }
735  edgeDescriptors_[&e] =
736  boost::add_edge(td, hd, &e, graph_).
737  first;
739  // If we have calculated path lenght data, keep it in sync.
740  if (height_ != -1) {
741  calculatePathLengthsOnConnect(nTail, nHead, e);
742  }
743  }
745  if (parentGraph_ != NULL && parentGraph_ != modifier) {
746  parentGraph_->connectNodes(nTail, nHead, e, this);
747  }
749  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < childGraphs_.size(); i++) {
750  if ( childGraphs_[i] != modifier ) {
751  childGraphs_[i]->connectNodes(nTail, nHead, e, this);
752  }
753  }
754 }
756 template<typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
757 void
758 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::sinkDistDecreased(
759 const GraphNode& n) const {
761  if (height_ == -1) {
762  return;
763  }
765  auto lsdIter = loopingSinkDistances_.find(&n);
766  int oldSD = sinkDistances_[&n];
767  int oldLSD = lsdIter != loopingSinkDistances_.end() ?
768  lsdIter->second : 0;
769  int sd = 0;
770  int loopingSD = 0;
771  int nd = descriptor(n);
772  auto edges = boost::out_edges(nd, graph_);
773  for (auto j = edges.first; j != edges.second; j++) {
774  EdgeDescriptor ed = *j;
775  NodeDescriptor hd = boost::target(ed, graph_);
776  GraphNode* head = graph_[hd];
777  GraphEdge* edge = graph_[ed];
778  int eWeight = edgeWeight(*edge, *head);
779  int headSD = sinkDistances_[head] + eWeight;
780  if (edge->isBackEdge()) {
781  loopingSD = std::max(loopingSD, headSD);
782  } else {
783  sd = std::max(sd, headSD);
784  auto headLSDIter = loopingSinkDistances_.find(head);
785  if (headLSDIter != loopingSinkDistances_.end()) {
786  loopingSD = std::max(
787  loopingSD, headLSDIter->second + eWeight);
788  }
789  }
790  }
791  if (sd < oldSD || loopingSD < oldLSD) {
792  sinkDistances_[&n] = sd;
793  if (loopingSD < oldLSD) {
794  loopingSinkDistances_[&n] = loopingSD;
795  }
797  // propagate to predecessors
798  auto edges = boost::in_edges(nd, graph_);
799  for (auto j = edges.first; j != edges.second; j++) {
800  EdgeDescriptor ed = *j;
801  GraphEdge* edge = graph_[ed];
802  if (!edge->isBackEdge() || sd < oldSD) {
803  NodeDescriptor td = boost::source(ed, graph_);
804  GraphNode* tail = graph_[td];
805  sinkDistDecreased(*tail);
806  }
807  }
808  }
809 }
811 template<typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
812 void
813 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::sourceDistDecreased(
814  const GraphNode& n) const {
816  if (height_ == -1) {
817  return;
818  }
820  auto lsdIter = loopingSourceDistances_.find(&n);
821  int oldSD = sourceDistances_[&n];
822  int oldLSD = lsdIter != loopingSourceDistances_.end() ?
823  lsdIter->second : 0;
825  int sd = 0;
826  int loopingSD = 0;
827  int nd = descriptor(n);
828  auto edges = boost::in_edges(nd, graph_);
829  for (auto j = edges.first; j != edges.second; j++) {
830  EdgeDescriptor ed = *j;
831  NodeDescriptor td = boost::source(ed, graph_);
832  GraphNode* tail = graph_[td];
833  GraphEdge* edge = graph_[ed];
834  int eWeight = edgeWeight(*edge, n);
835  int tailSD = sourceDistances_[tail] + eWeight;
836  if (edge->isBackEdge()) {
837  loopingSD = std::max(loopingSD, tailSD);
838  } else {
839  sd = std::max(sd, tailSD);
840  auto tailLSDIter = loopingSourceDistances_.find(tail);
841  if (tailLSDIter != loopingSourceDistances_.end()) {
842  loopingSD = std::max(
843  loopingSD, tailLSDIter->second + eWeight);
844  }
845  }
846  }
848  if (sd < oldSD || loopingSD < oldLSD) {
849  sourceDistances_[&n] = sd;
850  if (loopingSD < oldLSD) {
851  loopingSourceDistances_[&n] = loopingSD;
852  }
854  // propagate to successors
855  auto edges = boost::out_edges(nd, graph_);
856  for (auto j = edges.first; j != edges.second; j++) {
857  EdgeDescriptor ed = *j;
858  GraphEdge* edge = graph_[ed];
859  if (!edge->isBackEdge() || sd < oldSD) {
860  NodeDescriptor hd = boost::target(ed, graph_);
861  GraphNode* head = graph_[hd];
862  sourceDistDecreased(*head);
863  }
864  }
865  }
866 }
868 /**
869  * Disconnects two nodes.
870  *
871  * All edges between the given nodes are deleted. It is not an error to
872  * invoke this method on a pair of nodes that are not connected.
873  *
874  * @param nTail Tail node of the connection.
875  * @param nHead Head node of the connection.
876  */
877 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
878 void
879 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::disconnectNodes(
880  const GraphNode& nTail,
881  const GraphNode& nHead) {
883  int maxW = 0;
884  int maxwLoop = 0;
885  while (hasEdge(nTail, nHead)) {
886  EdgeDescriptor ed = connectingEdge(nTail, nHead);
887  GraphEdge* e = graph_[ed];
888  if (height_ != -1) {
889  int eWeight = edgeWeight(*e, nHead);
890  if (e->isBackEdge()) {
891  maxwLoop = std::max(eWeight, maxW);
892  } else {
893  maxW = std::max(eWeight, maxW);
894  }
895  }
896  removeEdge(*e, &nTail, &nHead);
897  }
899  if (height_ != -1) {
900  bool recalc = false;
901  if (sourceDistances_[&nTail] + maxW ==
902  sourceDistances_[&nHead] ||
903  (!loopingSourceDistances_.empty() &&
904  (loopingSourceDistances_[&nTail] + maxW ==
905  loopingSourceDistances_[&nHead] ||
906  sourceDistances_[&nTail] + maxwLoop ==
907  loopingSourceDistances_[&nHead]))) {
908  recalc = true;
909  sourceDistDecreased(nTail);
910  }
912  if (!sinkDistances_.empty() &&
913  (sinkDistances_[&nHead] + maxW ==
914  sinkDistances_[&nTail] ||
915  (!loopingSinkDistances_.empty() &&
916  (loopingSinkDistances_[&nHead] + maxW ==
917  loopingSinkDistances_[&nTail] ||
918  sinkDistances_[&nHead] +maxwLoop ==
919  loopingSinkDistances_[&nTail])))) {
920  recalc = true;
921  sinkDistDecreased(nHead);
922  }
924  if (recalc) {
925  delete pathCache_;
926  pathCache_ = NULL;
927  }
928  }
929 }
931 /**
932  * Moves all incoming edges from a node to another node.
933  *
934  * This reuses the origial Edge objects, thus should retain the original
935  * properties (even if defined in a derived class).
936  *
937  * @param source The node to move the incoming edges from.
938  * @param destination The node to move the incoming edges to.
939  */
940 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
941 void
942 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::moveInEdges(
943  const GraphNode& source, const GraphNode& destination) {
944  moveInEdges(source, destination, NULL);
945 }
947 /**
948  * Moves all incoming edges from a node to another node.
949  *
950  * This reuses the origial Edge objects, thus should retain the original
951  * properties (even if defined in a derived class).
952  *
953  * @param source The node to move the incoming edges from.
954  * @param destination The node to move the incoming edges to.
955  */
956 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
957 void
958 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::moveInEdges(
959  const GraphNode& source, const GraphNode& destination,
960  BoostGraph* modifierGraph) {
961  if (!hasNode(source)) {
962  if (hasNode(destination)) {
963  TCEString msg = "Illegal Graph update: "
964  "copying edges from outside of the graph";
965  throw NotAvailable(__FILE__,__LINE__,__func__, msg);
966  } else {
967  return; // no need to do anything
968  }
970  } else {
971  EdgeSet edges = inEdges(source);
972  for (typename EdgeSet::iterator i = edges.begin();
973  i != edges.end(); ++i) {
974  Edge& e = **i;
975  const GraphNode& tail = tailNode(e);
976  const GraphNode& head = destination;
977  boost::remove_edge(descriptor(e), graph_);
979  typename EdgeDescMap::iterator
980  edIter = edgeDescriptors_.find(&e);
981  if (edIter != edgeDescriptors_.end()) {
982  edgeDescriptors_.erase(edIter);
983  }
985  sourceDistDecreased(source);
986  sinkDistDecreased(tail);
988  // if dest not in this graph, just remove
989  if (hasNode(destination)) {
990  std::pair<EdgeDescriptor,bool> tmpPair =
991  boost::add_edge(
992  descriptor(tail), descriptor(head), &e, graph_);
993  edgeDescriptors_[&e] = tmpPair.first;
995  if (height_ != -1) {
996  calculatePathLengthsOnConnect(tail, head, e);
997  }
999  }
1000  }
1002  // update parent- and childgraphs
1003  if (parentGraph_ != NULL && parentGraph_ != modifierGraph) {
1004  parentGraph_->moveInEdges(
1005  source, destination, this);
1006  }
1008  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < childGraphs_.size(); i++) {
1009  if ( != modifierGraph ) {
1011  source, destination, this);
1012  }
1013  }
1014  }
1015 }
1017 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1018 void
1019 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::copyInEdge(
1020  const GraphNode& destination,
1021  GraphEdge& edge,
1022  const GraphNode* tail) {
1023  // start from the root tree.
1024  BoostGraph<GraphNode,GraphEdge>* rg = rootGraph();
1025  if (tail == NULL) {
1026  tail = &rg->tailNode(edge);
1027  }
1028  Edge* newEdge = new Edge(edge);
1029  rg->connectNodes(*tail, destination, *newEdge);
1030 }
1032 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1033 void
1034 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::copyOutEdge(
1035 // const GraphNode& source,
1036  const GraphNode& destination,
1037  GraphEdge& edge,
1038  const GraphNode* head) {
1039  // start from the root tree.
1040  BoostGraph<GraphNode,GraphEdge>* rg = rootGraph();
1041  if (head == NULL) {
1042  head = &rg->headNode(edge);
1043  }
1044  Edge* newEdge = new Edge(edge);
1045  rg->connectNodes(destination, *head, *newEdge);
1046 }
1048 /**
1049  * Moves an edge which comes into source node to point into another node.
1050  */
1051 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1052 void
1053 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::moveInEdge(
1054  const GraphNode& originalHeadNode,
1055  const GraphNode& newHeadNode,
1056  GraphEdge& edge,
1057  const GraphNode* tail,
1058  bool childs) {
1060  // start from the root tree.
1061  if (!childs) {
1062  BoostGraph<GraphNode,GraphEdge>* rg = rootGraph();
1063  if (tail == NULL) {
1064  tail = &rg->tailNode(edge);
1065  }
1066  rg->moveInEdge(originalHeadNode, newHeadNode, edge, tail, true);
1067  return;
1068  }
1070  if (hasNode(*tail) && hasEdge(edge)) {
1071  bool hasSource = hasNode(originalHeadNode);
1072  bool hasDestination = hasNode(newHeadNode);
1073  const GraphNode& head = newHeadNode;
1075  if (hasSource) {
1076  boost::remove_edge(descriptor(edge), graph_);
1078  sourceDistDecreased(originalHeadNode);
1079  sinkDistDecreased(*tail);
1080  }
1082  if (hasDestination) {
1083  std::pair<EdgeDescriptor,bool> tmpPair =
1084  boost::add_edge(
1085  descriptor(*tail), descriptor(head), &edge, graph_);
1086  edgeDescriptors_[&edge] = tmpPair.first;
1088  if (height_ != -1) {
1089  calculatePathLengthsOnConnect(*tail, head, edge);
1090  }
1092  }
1093  // need to process child graphs?
1094  if (hasSource | hasDestination) {
1095  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < childGraphs_.size(); i++) {
1097  originalHeadNode, newHeadNode, edge, tail, true);
1098  }
1099  }
1100  }
1101 }
1103 /*
1104  * Moves edge which originally points
1105  */
1106 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1107 void
1108 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::moveOutEdge(
1109  const GraphNode& originalTailNode,
1110  const GraphNode& newTailNode,
1111  GraphEdge& edge,
1112  const GraphNode* head,
1113  bool childs) {
1115  if (!childs) {
1116  BoostGraph* rg = rootGraph();
1117  if (head == NULL) {
1118  head = &rg->headNode(edge);
1119  }
1120  rg->moveOutEdge(originalTailNode, newTailNode, edge, head, true);
1121  return;
1122  }
1124  if (hasNode(*head) && hasEdge(edge)) {
1125  bool hasSource = hasNode(originalTailNode);
1126  bool hasDestination = hasNode(newTailNode);
1128  const GraphNode& tail = newTailNode;
1129  if (hasSource) {
1130  boost::remove_edge(descriptor(edge), graph_);
1132  sourceDistDecreased(*head);
1133  sinkDistDecreased(originalTailNode);
1135  }
1137  if (hasDestination) {
1138  std::pair<EdgeDescriptor,bool> tmpPair =
1139  boost::add_edge(
1140  descriptor(tail), descriptor(*head), &edge, graph_);
1141  edgeDescriptors_[&edge] = tmpPair.first;
1143  if (height_ != -1) {
1144  calculatePathLengthsOnConnect(tail, *head, edge);
1145  }
1147  }
1149  // need to process child graphs?
1150  if (hasSource | hasDestination) {
1151  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < childGraphs_.size(); i++) {
1153  originalTailNode, newTailNode, edge, head, true);
1154  }
1155  }
1156  }
1157 }
1159 /**
1160  * Moves all outgoing edges from a node to another node.
1161  *
1162  * This reuses the origial Edge objects, thus should retain the original
1163  * properties (even if defined in a derived class).
1164  *
1165  * @param source The node to move the outgoing edges from.
1166  * @param destination The node to move the outgoing edges to.
1167  */
1168 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1169 void
1170 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::moveOutEdges(
1171  const GraphNode& source, const GraphNode& destination) {
1172  moveOutEdges(source, destination, this);
1173 }
1175 /**
1176  * Moves all outgoing edges from a node to another node.
1177  *
1178  * This reuses the origial Edge objects, thus should retain the original
1179  * properties (even if defined in a derived class).
1180  *
1181  * @param source The node to move the outgoing edges from.
1182  * @param destination The node to move the outgoing edges to.
1183  */
1184 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1185 void
1186 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::moveOutEdges(
1187  const GraphNode& source, const GraphNode& destination,
1188  BoostGraph* modifierGraph) {
1189  if (!hasNode(source)) {
1190  if (hasNode(destination)) {
1191  TCEString msg = "Illegal Graph update: "
1192  "copying edges from outside of the graph";
1193  throw NotAvailable(__FILE__,__LINE__,__func__, msg);
1194  } else {
1195  return; // no need to do anything
1196  }
1198  } else {
1199  EdgeSet edges = outEdges(source);
1200  for (typename EdgeSet::iterator i = edges.begin();
1201  i != edges.end(); ++i) {
1202  Edge& e = **i;
1203  const GraphNode& tail = destination;
1204  const GraphNode& head = headNode(e);
1205  boost::remove_edge(descriptor(e), graph_);
1207  sourceDistDecreased(head);
1208  sinkDistDecreased(source);
1210  typename EdgeDescMap::iterator
1211  edIter = edgeDescriptors_.find(&e);
1212  if (edIter != edgeDescriptors_.end()) {
1213  edgeDescriptors_.erase(edIter);
1214  }
1216  if (hasNode(destination)) {
1217  std::pair<EdgeDescriptor,bool> tmpPair =
1218  boost::add_edge(
1219  descriptor(tail), descriptor(head), &e, graph_);
1220  edgeDescriptors_[&e] = tmpPair.first;
1222  if (height_ != -1) {
1223  calculatePathLengthsOnConnect(tail, head, e);
1224  }
1226  }
1227  }
1230  // update parent- and childgraphs
1231  if (parentGraph_ != NULL && parentGraph_ != modifierGraph) {
1232  parentGraph_->moveOutEdges(source, destination, this);
1233  }
1235  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < childGraphs_.size(); i++) {
1236  if ( != modifierGraph ) {
1237>moveOutEdges(source, destination, this);
1238  }
1239  }
1241  }
1242 }
1244 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1245 void
1246 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::clearDescriptorCache(EdgeSet edges) {
1247  for (typename EdgeSet::iterator i = edges.begin();
1248  i != edges.end(); ++i) {
1249  typename EdgeDescMap::iterator iedi = edgeDescriptors_.find(*i);
1250  if (iedi != edgeDescriptors_.end()) {
1251  edgeDescriptors_.erase(iedi);
1252  }
1253  }
1254 }
1256 /**
1257  * Removes a node of the graph, without deleting the associated properties.
1258  *
1259  * The connection between the given nodes and other nodes are removed from
1260  * the graph. The property object is not managed by the graph anymore.
1261  *
1262  * @param node Properties of the node to be removed.
1263  * @exception InstanceNotFound If the node propertes are not registered to a
1264  * node of the graph.
1265  */
1266 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1267 void
1268 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::removeNode(
1269  GraphNode& nodeToRemove, BoostGraph* modifierGraph) {
1270  if (hasNode(nodeToRemove)) {
1272  replaceNodeWithLastNode(nodeToRemove);
1274  if (parentGraph_ != NULL && parentGraph_ != modifierGraph) {
1275  parentGraph_->removeNode(nodeToRemove, this);
1276  }
1278  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < childGraphs_.size(); i++) {
1279  if ( != modifierGraph ) {
1280>removeNode(nodeToRemove, this);
1281  }
1282  }
1283  } else {
1284  if (parentGraph_ == NULL) {
1285  TCEString msg = "Node not found in graph, cannot remove";
1286  throw InstanceNotFound(__FILE__,__LINE__,__func__, msg);
1287  }
1288  }
1289 }
1291 /**
1292  * Removes a node of the graph, without deleting the associated properties.
1293  *
1294  * The connection between the given nodes and other nodes are removed from
1295  * the graph. The property object is not managed by the graph anymore.
1296  *
1297  * @param node Properties of the node to be removed.
1298  * @exception InstanceNotFound If the node propertes are not registered to a
1299  * node of the graph.
1300  */
1301 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1302 void
1303 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::removeNode(GraphNode& node) {
1304  removeNode(node, NULL);
1305 }
1307 /**
1308  * Removes a node of the subgraph, leaving it to the parent graph.
1309  *
1310  * Drops node also from all child graphs.
1311  *
1312  * @param node Properties of the node to be removed.
1313  * @exception InstanceNotFound If the node propertes are not registered to a
1314  * node of the graph.
1315  */
1316 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1317 void
1318 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::dropNode(GraphNode& nodeToDrop) {
1319  if (!hasNode(nodeToDrop)) {
1320  return;
1321  }
1323  replaceNodeWithLastNode(nodeToDrop);
1325  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < childGraphs_.size(); i++) {
1327  }
1328 }
1330 /**
1331  * Replaces a node with properties of the last node and then removes the
1332  * last node from the graph. This is semantically equal to removing
1333  * a node from the graph but runs much faster.
1334  * Does not remove anything from subgraphs.
1335  *
1336  * @param dest node to be removed/replaced with last one.
1337  */
1338 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1339 void
1340 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::replaceNodeWithLastNode(GraphNode& dest) {
1342  NodeDescriptor nd = descriptor(dest);
1343  typename BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::NodeSet preds;
1344  typename BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::NodeSet succs;
1346  succs = successors(dest);
1347  preds = predecessors(dest);
1349  // remove edge cache
1350  clearDescriptorCache(inEdges(dest));
1351  clearDescriptorCache(outEdges(dest));
1353  // clear all edges. from to node to remove/drop.
1354  boost::clear_vertex(nd, graph_);
1356  // Move last node to place of deleted node, then delete last node.
1357  GraphNode& lastNode = node(nodeCount()-1);
1359  NodeDescriptor lnd = descriptor(lastNode);
1360  if (&dest != &lastNode) {
1361  // move in edges from last node to place of deleted node.
1362  EdgeSet iEdges = inEdges(lastNode);
1363  for (typename EdgeSet::iterator i = iEdges.begin();
1364  i != iEdges.end(); ++i) {
1365  Edge& e = **i;
1366  const GraphNode& tail = tailNode(e);
1367  // remove the edge pointing to old place of last node
1368  boost::remove_edge(descriptor(e), graph_);
1370  // clear descriptor cache for that edge
1371  typename EdgeDescMap::iterator
1372  edIter = edgeDescriptors_.find(&e);
1373  if (edIter != edgeDescriptors_.end()) {
1374  edgeDescriptors_.erase(edIter);
1375  }
1377  // add the edge back, pointing to the new place
1378  // of the last node.
1379  std::pair<EdgeDescriptor,bool> tmpPair =
1380  boost::add_edge(
1381  descriptor(tail), nd, &e, graph_);
1382  edgeDescriptors_[&e] = tmpPair.first;
1383  }
1385  // move out edges. from last node to place of deleted node.
1386  EdgeSet oEdges = outEdges(lastNode);
1387  for (typename EdgeSet::iterator i = oEdges.begin();
1388  i != oEdges.end(); ++i) {
1389  Edge& e = **i;
1390  const GraphNode& head = headNode(e);
1391  // remove the edge pointing to old place of last node
1392  boost::remove_edge(descriptor(e), graph_);
1394  // clear descriptor cache for that edge
1395  typename EdgeDescMap::iterator
1396  edIter = edgeDescriptors_.find(&e);
1397  if (edIter != edgeDescriptors_.end()) {
1398  edgeDescriptors_.erase(edIter);
1399  }
1401  // add the edge back, originating from the new place
1402  // of the last node.
1403  std::pair<EdgeDescriptor,bool> tmpPair =
1404  boost::add_edge(
1405  nd, descriptor(head), &e, graph_);
1406  edgeDescriptors_[&e] = tmpPair.first;
1407  }
1409  // then move the Node class.
1410  graph_[nd] = &lastNode;
1412  // update descriptor map.
1413  nodeDescriptors_[&lastNode] = nd;
1414  }
1416  if (height_ != -1) {
1417  sinkDistances_.erase(&dest);
1418  sourceDistances_.erase(&dest);
1419  loopingSinkDistances_.erase(&dest);
1420  loopingSourceDistances_.erase(&dest);
1421  }
1423  for (auto n: succs) sourceDistDecreased(*n);
1424  for (auto n: preds) sinkDistDecreased(*n);
1426  nodeDescriptors_[&lastNode] = nd;
1428  // remove just the last node.
1429  boost::remove_vertex(lnd, graph_);
1431  // remove node from descriptor cache
1432  typename NodeDescMap::iterator ndi =
1433  nodeDescriptors_.find(&dest);
1434  if (ndi != nodeDescriptors_.end()) {
1435  nodeDescriptors_.erase(ndi);
1436  }
1437 }
1439 /**
1440  * Removes the edge connecting two nodes of the graph.
1441  * The associated properties are deleted automatically when
1442  * the graph is deleted, should not be deleted by the used.
1443  *
1444  * The connection between the head and tail nodes corresponding to the given
1445  * property object is removed from the graph.
1446  *
1447  * @param e Properties of the connecting edge to be removed.
1448  * @exception InstanceNotFound If the edge propertes are not registered to a
1449  * connection of the graph.
1450  */
1451 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1452 void
1453 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::removeEdge(GraphEdge& e) {
1454  removeEdge(e, NULL, NULL, NULL);
1455 }
1457 /**
1458  * Removes the edge connecting two nodes of the graph from a subgraph,
1459  * but leaves it into the original graph
1460  *
1461  * @param e Properties of the connecting edge to be removed.
1462  * @exception InstanceNotFound If the edge propertes are not registered to a
1463  * connection of the graph.
1465  */
1466 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1467 void
1468 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::dropEdge(GraphEdge& e) {
1469  boost::remove_edge(descriptor(e), graph_);
1471  typename EdgeDescMap::iterator
1472  edIter = edgeDescriptors_.find(&e);
1473  if (edIter != edgeDescriptors_.end()) {
1474  edgeDescriptors_.erase(edIter);
1475  }
1477  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < childGraphs_.size(); i++) {
1479  }
1480 }
1482 /**
1483  * Removes the edge connecting two nodes of the graph, without deleting the
1484  * associated properties.
1485  *
1486  * The connection between the head and tail nodes corresponding to the given
1487  * property object is removed from the graph. The property object is not
1488  * managed by the graph anymore.
1489  *
1490  * @param e Properties of the connecting edge to be removed.
1491  * @exception InstanceNotFound If the edge propertes are not registered to a
1492  * connection of the graph.
1493  */
1494 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1495 void
1496 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::removeEdge(
1497  GraphEdge& e, const GraphNode* tailNode, const GraphNode* headNode,
1498  BoostGraph* modifierGraph) {
1499  if (hasEdge(e, tailNode, headNode)) {
1500  boost::remove_edge(descriptor(e), graph_);
1502  typename EdgeDescMap::iterator
1503  edIter = edgeDescriptors_.find(&e);
1504  if (edIter != edgeDescriptors_.end()) {
1505  edgeDescriptors_.erase(edIter);
1506  }
1508  if (parentGraph_ != NULL && parentGraph_ != modifierGraph) {
1509  parentGraph_->removeEdge(e, tailNode, headNode, this);
1510  }
1512  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < childGraphs_.size(); i++) {
1513  if ( != modifierGraph ) {
1514>removeEdge(e, tailNode, headNode, this);
1515  }
1516  }
1517  delete pathCache_;
1518  pathCache_ = NULL;
1519  }
1520 }
1522 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1523 // Subgraph related public methods
1524 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1526 /**
1527  * Returns the parent graph of this subgraph.
1528  * If the graph has no parent, returns NULL.
1529  *
1530  * @return parent graph of this subgraph or NULL if is not subgraph.
1531  */
1532 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1533 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>*
1534 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::parentGraph() {
1535  return parentGraph_;
1536 }
1538 /**
1539  * Returns the root graph of this subgraph.
1540  * If this has no parent, return this.
1541  *
1542  * @return parent graph of this subgraph.
1543  */
1544 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1545 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>*
1546 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::rootGraph() {
1547  if (parentGraph_ == NULL) {
1548  return this;
1549  }
1550  return parentGraph_;
1551 }
1553 /**
1554  * Returns the root graph of this subgraph.
1555  * If this has no parent, return this.
1556  *
1557  * @return parent graph of this subgraph.
1558  */
1559 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1560 const BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>*
1561 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::rootGraph() const {
1562  if (parentGraph_ == NULL) {
1563  return this;
1564  }
1565  return parentGraph_;
1566 }
1568 /**
1569  * Creates a subgraph from this graph.
1570  *
1571  * This procedure is suposed to be called from derived class's
1572  * createSubGraph method which also wold create the new object.
1573  */
1574 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1575 void
1576 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::constructSubGraph(
1577  BoostGraph& subGraph, NodeSet& nodes) {
1578  // first add nodes
1579  for( typename NodeSet::iterator i = nodes.begin();
1580  i != nodes.end(); i++ ) {
1581  GraphNode& gn = *(*i);
1582  subGraph.addNode(gn);
1583  }
1584  // then edges
1585  for( typename NodeSet::iterator i = nodes.begin();
1586  i != nodes.end(); i++ ) {
1587  GraphNode& gn = *(*i);
1588  NodeDescriptor nd = descriptor(gn);
1590  std::pair<OutEdgeIter, OutEdgeIter> edges =
1591  boost::out_edges(nd, graph_);
1592  for (OutEdgeIter j = edges.first; j != edges.second; j++) {
1593  EdgeDescriptor ed = *j;
1594  NodeDescriptor hd = boost::target(ed, graph_);
1595  GraphNode* head = graph_[hd];
1596  if (nodes.find(head) != nodes.end()) {
1597  subGraph.connectNodes(gn, *head, *graph_[ed], NULL, true);
1598  }
1599  }
1600  }
1601  subGraph.parentGraph_ = this;
1602  childGraphs_.push_back(&subGraph);
1603  subGraph.name_ = name() + "_" + Conversion::toString(++sgCounter_);
1604 }
1606 /**
1607  * When a node has been dropped from a subgraph, this restores it,
1608  * based on the edges on the parent graph
1609  */
1610 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1611 void
1612 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::restoreNodeFromParent(
1613  GraphNode& n) {
1614  assert(parentGraph_ != NULL);
1616  BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>* parent = parentGraph_;
1617  parentGraph_ = NULL;
1619  addNode(n);
1620  NodeDescriptor ndp = parent->descriptor(n);
1622  std::pair<OutEdgeIter, OutEdgeIter> oEdges =
1623  boost::out_edges(ndp, parent->graph_);
1625  for (OutEdgeIter j = oEdges.first; j != oEdges.second; j++) {
1626  NodeDescriptor hd = boost::target(*j, parent->graph_);
1627  GraphNode* head = parent->graph_[hd];
1628  if (hasNode(*head)) {
1629  Edge& e = *graph_[*j];
1630  connectNodes(n, *head, e, NULL, true);
1631  calculatePathLengthsOnConnect(n, *head, e);
1632  }
1633  }
1635  std::pair<InEdgeIter, InEdgeIter> iEdges =
1636  boost::in_edges(ndp, parent->graph_);
1638  for (InEdgeIter j = iEdges.first; j != iEdges.second; j++) {
1639  NodeDescriptor tl = boost::source(*j, parent->graph_);
1640  GraphNode* tail = parent->graph_[tl];
1641  if (hasNode(*tail) && tail != &n) {
1642  Edge& e = *graph_[*j];
1643  connectNodes(*tail, n, e, NULL, true);
1644  calculatePathLengthsOnConnect(*tail, n, e);
1645  }
1646  }
1647  parentGraph_ = parent;
1648 }
1650 /*
1651  * Detach a subgraph from this graph.
1652  *
1653  * After this the subgraph is no longer updated when the graph is changed.
1654  * Does NOT remove parent_ of the subgraph, ie. leaves the subgraph in
1655  * non-functional stage. Should be used only just before deleting subgraph.
1656  *
1657  * @param subGraph subgraph to remove from the graph
1658  */
1659 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1660 void
1661 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::detachSubgraph(BoostGraph& subGraph) {
1662  for (typename std::vector<BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>*>::iterator
1663  iter = childGraphs_.begin(); iter != childGraphs_.end();iter++) {
1664  if ( *iter == &subGraph ) {
1665  childGraphs_.erase(iter);
1666  return;
1667  }
1668  }
1669 }
1672 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1673 // Private helper methods
1674 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1676 /**
1677  *
1678  * Checks whether the given node belongs to the graph
1679  *
1680  * @param node node being tested
1681  * @return whether the ndoe belongs to the graph
1682  */
1683 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1684 bool
1685 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::hasNode(const GraphNode& node) const {
1687  if (AssocTools::containsKey(nodeDescriptors_,&node)) {
1688  return true;
1689  }
1691  typedef std::pair<NodeIter, NodeIter> NodeIterPair;
1692  NodeIterPair nodes = boost::vertices(graph_);
1693  for (NodeIter i = nodes.first; i != nodes.second; i++) {
1694  if (graph_[*i] == &node) {
1695  nodeDescriptors_[&node] = *i;
1696  return true;
1697  }
1698  }
1699  return false;
1700 }
1702 /**
1703  *
1704  * Checks whether there exists and edge between the given nodes
1705  *
1706  * @param nTail tail node of the edge
1707  * @param nHead head node of the edge
1708  * @return whether there is an edge from nTail to nHead
1709  */
1710 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1711 bool
1712 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::hasEdge(
1713  const GraphNode& nTail,
1714  const GraphNode& nHead) const {
1716  typedef std::pair<EdgeDescriptor, bool> EdgeReturned;
1717  EdgeReturned er = boost::edge(
1718  descriptor(nTail), descriptor(nHead), graph_);
1719  if (er.second == true) {
1720  return true;
1721  }
1722  return false;
1723 }
1725 /**
1726  *
1727  * Checks whether the given edge connects the given nodes
1728  *
1729  * @param nTail tail node of the edge
1730  * @param nHead head node of the edge
1731  * @param edge edge which may connect the nodes
1732  * @return whether the given edge does from nTail to nHead
1733  */
1734 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1735 bool
1736 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::hasEdge(
1737  const GraphNode& nTail,
1738  const GraphNode& nHead,
1739  const GraphEdge& edge) const {
1741  typedef std::pair<OutEdgeIter, OutEdgeIter> OutEdgeIterPair;
1743  unsigned int hd = descriptor(nHead);
1744  OutEdgeIterPair edges = boost::out_edges(descriptor(nTail), graph_);
1746  for (OutEdgeIter i = edges.first; i != edges.second; i++) {
1747  if (graph_[*i] == &edge && target(*i, graph_) == hd) {
1748  return true;
1749  }
1750  }
1751  return false;
1752 }
1754 /**
1755  *
1756  * Checks whether the given edge belongs to the graph.
1757  *
1758  * @param edge edge being tested
1759  * @param tailnode, if known. makes this routine faster.
1760  * @param headnode, if known. makes this routine faster.
1761  * @return whether the edge belongs to the graph
1762  */
1763 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1764 bool
1765 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::hasEdge(
1766  const GraphEdge& e,
1767  const GraphNode* nTail,
1768  const GraphNode* nHead) const {
1770  if (AssocTools::containsKey(edgeDescriptors_,&e)) {
1771  return true;
1772  }
1774  // if we have tails, check if's out edges
1775  if (nTail != NULL && hasNode(*nTail)) {
1776  typedef std::pair<OutEdgeIter, OutEdgeIter> OutEdgeIterPair;
1778  OutEdgeIterPair edges = boost::out_edges(descriptor(*nTail), graph_);
1780  for (OutEdgeIter i = edges.first; i != edges.second; i++) {
1781  if (graph_[*i] == &e) {
1782  edgeDescriptors_[&e] = *i;
1783  return true;
1784  }
1785  }
1786  return false;
1787  } else { // if we have head, check it's in edges.
1788  if (nHead != NULL && hasNode(*nHead)) {
1789  typedef std::pair<InEdgeIter, InEdgeIter> InEdgeIterPair;
1791  InEdgeIterPair edges = boost::in_edges(descriptor(*nHead), graph_);
1793  for (InEdgeIter i = edges.first; i != edges.second; i++) {
1794  if (graph_[*i] == &e) {
1795  edgeDescriptors_[&e] = *i;
1796  return true;
1797  }
1798  }
1799  return false;
1800  }
1801  }
1803  // we don't have head or tail, slowly go thru all edges.
1804  typedef std::pair<EdgeIter, EdgeIter> EdgeIterPair;
1805  EdgeIterPair edges = boost::edges(graph_);
1807  for (EdgeIter i = edges.first; i != edges.second; i++) {
1808  if (graph_[*i] == &e) {
1809  edgeDescriptors_[&e] = *i;
1810  return true;
1811  }
1812  }
1813  return false;
1814 }
1816 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1817 typename BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::EdgeDescriptor
1818 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::descriptor(const GraphEdge& e) const {
1820  typename EdgeDescMap::iterator cacheIter = edgeDescriptors_.find(&e);
1821  if (cacheIter != edgeDescriptors_.end()) {
1822  return cacheIter->second;
1823  }
1825  typedef std::pair<EdgeIter, EdgeIter> EdgeIterPair;
1826  EdgeIterPair edges = boost::edges(graph_);
1828  for (EdgeIter i = edges.first; i != edges.second; i++) {
1829  if (graph_[*i] == &e) {
1830  edgeDescriptors_[&e] = *i;
1831  return *i;
1832  }
1833  }
1834  assert(false && "Descriptor for edge not found!");
1835  return *edges.second;
1836 }
1838 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1839 typename BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::EdgeDescriptor
1840 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::edgeDescriptor(
1841  const GraphEdge& e, const NodeDescriptor& headNode) const {
1843  typename EdgeDescMap::iterator cacheIter = edgeDescriptors_.find(&e);
1844  if (cacheIter != edgeDescriptors_.end()) {
1845  return cacheIter->second;
1846  }
1848  typedef std::pair<InEdgeIter, InEdgeIter> EdgeIterPair;
1849  EdgeIterPair edges = boost::in_edges(headNode,graph_);
1851  for (InEdgeIter i = edges.first; i != edges.second; i++) {
1852  if (graph_[*i] == &e) {
1853  edgeDescriptors_[&e] = *i;
1854  return *i;
1855  }
1856  }
1857  assert(false);
1858  return *edges.second;
1859 }
1861 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1862 typename BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::EdgeDescriptor
1863 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::edgeDescriptor(
1864  const NodeDescriptor& tailNode, const GraphEdge& e) const {
1866  typename EdgeDescMap::iterator cacheIter = edgeDescriptors_.find(&e);
1867  if (cacheIter != edgeDescriptors_.end()) {
1868  return cacheIter->second;
1869  }
1871  typedef std::pair<OutEdgeIter, OutEdgeIter> EdgeIterPair;
1872  EdgeIterPair edges = boost::out_edges(tailNode,graph_);
1874  for (OutEdgeIter i = edges.first; i != edges.second; i++) {
1875  if (graph_[*i] == &e) {
1876  edgeDescriptors_[&e] = *i;
1877  return *i;
1878  }
1879  }
1880  assert(false);
1881  return *edges.second;
1882 }
1884 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1885 typename BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::NodeDescriptor
1886 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::descriptor(const GraphNode& n) const {
1888  typename NodeDescMap::iterator cacheIter = nodeDescriptors_.find(&n);
1889  if (cacheIter != nodeDescriptors_.end()) {
1890  return cacheIter->second;
1891  }
1893  typedef std::pair<NodeIter, NodeIter> NodeIterPair;
1894  NodeIterPair nodes = boost::vertices(graph_);
1896  for (NodeIter i = nodes.first; i != nodes.second; i++) {
1897  if (graph_[*i] == &n) {
1898  nodeDescriptors_[&n] = *i;
1899  return *i;
1900  }
1901  }
1902  Application::logStream()
1903  << "Node " << n.toString() << "not in graph!" << std::endl;
1904  BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::writeToDotFile("");
1906  assert(false);
1907  return *nodes.second;
1908 }
1911 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1912 typename BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::EdgeDescriptor
1913 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::connectingEdge(
1914  const GraphNode& nTail,
1915  const GraphNode& nHead) const {
1917  typedef std::pair<EdgeDescriptor, bool> EdgeReturned;
1919  EdgeReturned edges = boost::edge(
1920  descriptor(nTail), descriptor(nHead), graph_);
1921  if (edges.second == false) {
1922  abortWithError("Connecting edge not found!");
1923  }
1924  return edges.first;
1925 }
1927 /**
1928  * Returns all the root nodes of the graph.
1929  *
1930  * Root nodes are nodes of which input degree is 0 (no edges entering, only
1931  * leaving). Also known as 'source nodes'.
1932  *
1933  * @return Set of root nodes, can be empty.
1934  */
1935 template<typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1936 typename BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::NodeSet
1937 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::rootNodes() const {
1939  NodeSet rootNodes;
1940  for (int nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < nodeCount(); ++nodeIndex) {
1941  GraphNode& nod = node(nodeIndex);
1942  if (inDegree(nod) == 0)
1943  rootNodes.insert(&nod);
1944  }
1945  return rootNodes;
1946 }
1949 /**
1950  * Returns all the sink nodes of the graph.
1951  *
1952  * Sink nodes are nodes of which output degree is 0 (no edges exiting, only
1953  * incoming).
1954  *
1955  * @return Set of sink nodes, can be empty.
1956  */
1957 template<typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1958 typename BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::NodeSet
1959 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::sinkNodes() const {
1961  NodeSet sinkNodes;
1962  for (int nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < nodeCount(); ++nodeIndex) {
1963  GraphNode& nod = node(nodeIndex);
1964  if (outDegree(nod) == 0)
1965  sinkNodes.insert(&nod);
1966  }
1967  return sinkNodes;
1968 }
1970 /**
1971  * Returns all the successors of the given node.
1972  *
1973  * If node has no successors, an empty set is returned. Note: the node can
1974  * also be a successor of itself.
1975  *
1976  * @param node The node of which successors to find.
1977  * @return Set of root nodes, can be empty.
1978  */
1979 template<typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
1980 typename BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::NodeSet
1981 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::successors(
1982  const Node& node, bool ignoreBackEdges, bool ignoreForwardEdges) const {
1984  NodeSet succ;
1986  NodeDescriptor nd = descriptor(node);
1987  typedef typename GraphTraits::out_edge_iterator outEdgeIter;
1988  std::pair<outEdgeIter, outEdgeIter> edges = boost::out_edges(nd, graph_);
1990  for (outEdgeIter ei = edges.first; ei != edges.second; ei++) {
1991  EdgeDescriptor ed = *ei;
1992  GraphEdge* edge = graph_[ed];
1993  bool backEdge = edge->isBackEdge();
1994  if (!((ignoreBackEdges && backEdge) ||
1995  (ignoreForwardEdges && !backEdge))) {
1996  NodeDescriptor ndHead = boost::target(ed, graph_);
1997  GraphNode* head = graph_[ndHead];
1998  succ.insert(head);
1999  }
2000  }
2002  return succ;
2003 }
2005 /**
2006  * Returns all the predecessors of the given node.
2007  *
2008  * If node has no predecessors, an empty set is returned. Note: the node can
2009  * also be a predecessor of itself.
2010  *
2011  * @param node The node of which predecessors to find.
2012  * @return Set of root nodes, can be empty.
2013  */
2014 template<typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
2015 typename BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::NodeSet
2016 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::predecessors(
2017  const Node& node, bool ignoreBackEdges, bool ignoreForwardEdges) const {
2019  NodeSet pred;
2021  typedef typename GraphTraits::in_edge_iterator InEdgeIter;
2022  std::pair<InEdgeIter, InEdgeIter> edges = boost::in_edges(
2023  descriptor(node), graph_);
2025  for (InEdgeIter ei = edges.first; ei != edges.second; ++ei) {
2026  EdgeDescriptor ed = *ei;
2027  GraphEdge* edge = graph_[ed];
2028  bool backEdge = edge->isBackEdge();
2029  if (!((ignoreBackEdges && backEdge) ||
2030  (ignoreForwardEdges && !backEdge))) {
2031  NodeDescriptor nTail = boost::source(ed, graph_);
2032  GraphNode* tail = graph_[nTail];
2033  pred.insert(tail);
2034  }
2035  }
2036  return pred;
2037 }
2039 /**
2040  * Calculates maximum path lengths from sinks and sources to all nodes.
2041  *
2042  * This procedure is called internally when this information is needed
2043  */
2044 template<typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
2045 void
2046 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::calculatePathLengthsFast() const {
2047  std::vector<NodeDescriptor> sortedNodes;
2048  sortedNodes.reserve(nodeCount());
2049  // inserts first elements into end?
2050  topological_sort(graph_, std::back_inserter(sortedNodes));
2051  for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < sortedNodes.size(); i++) {
2052  NodeDescriptor& nd = sortedNodes[i];
2053  const Node* node = graph_[nd];
2054  int len = sinkDistances_[node];
2056  // loop over all in edges.
2057  std::pair <InEdgeIter, InEdgeIter> edges = boost::in_edges(nd, graph_);
2058  for (InEdgeIter ii = edges.first; ii != edges.second; ii++) {
2059  EdgeDescriptor ed = *ii;
2060  Edge* edge = graph_[ed];
2061  NodeDescriptor td = boost::source(*ii, graph_);
2062  const Node* tailNode = graph_[td];
2063  int eWeight = edgeWeight(*edge, *node);
2064  int sdLen = len + eWeight;
2066  // find the place in the sourcedistances table
2067  typename std::map<
2068  const GraphNode*,int, typename GraphNode::Comparator>
2069  ::iterator sdIter = sinkDistances_.find(tailNode);
2070  // update if this path is longer.
2071  if (sdIter == sinkDistances_.end()) {
2072  sinkDistances_[tailNode] = sdLen;
2073  if (sdLen > height_) {
2074  height_ = sdLen;
2075  }
2076  } else if(sdIter->second < sdLen) {
2077  sdIter->second = sdLen;
2078  if (sdLen > height_) {
2079  height_ = sdLen;
2080  }
2081  }
2082  }
2083  }
2084 }
2086 /**
2087  * Calculates maximum path lengths from sinks and sources to all nodes.
2088  *
2089  * This procedure is called internally when this information is needed
2090  */
2091 template<typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
2092 void
2093 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::calculatePathLengths() const {
2095  calculateSourceDistances();
2097  if (!allowLoopEdges_) {
2098  calculatePathLengthsFast();
2099  return;
2100  }
2102  // priority queue of all sink nodes.
2103  std::priority_queue<PathLengthHelper> sinkDistanceQueue;
2105  // insert all sink nodes to the pqueue
2106  for (int i = nodeCount() -1 ; i >= 0 ; i--) {
2108  NodeDescriptor nd = descriptor(node(i));
2109  std::pair <OutEdgeIter, OutEdgeIter> edges = boost::out_edges(
2110  nd, graph_);
2112  bool outEdgeFound = false;
2113  for (OutEdgeIter ii = edges.first; ii != edges.second;
2114  ii++) {
2115  EdgeDescriptor ed = *ii;
2116  if (!graph_[ed]->isBackEdge()) {
2117  outEdgeFound = true;
2118  }
2119  }
2120  if (!outEdgeFound) {
2121  sinkDistanceQueue.push(
2122  PathLengthHelper(nd, 0, sourceDistances_[&node(i)]));
2123  }
2124  }
2126  // and then start sink calculation from each of them.
2127  while (!sinkDistanceQueue.empty()) {
2128  calculateSinkDistance(*graph_[],0);
2129  sinkDistanceQueue.pop();
2130  }
2131 }
2133 /**
2134  * Calculates source distances of nodes.
2135  *
2136  * Iterative algorithm, starts from given node or all source nodes.
2137  *
2138  * Does a breadth-first search, prioritizating first nodes in the graph.
2139  *
2140  * @param startingNode node whose successors's source dist to calculate,
2141  * or NULL if start from all sources.
2142  *
2143  * @param startingLength source distance of the startingnode.
2144  */
2145 template<typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
2146 void
2147 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::calculateSourceDistances(
2148  const GraphNode* startingNode, int startingLength, bool looping) const {
2150  if (startingLength > height_) {
2151  height_ = startingLength;
2152  }
2154  // priority queue of nodes to be processed
2155  typename std::map <NodeDescriptor, int> sourceDistanceQueue;
2157  // priority queue of nodes to be processed
2158  typename std::map <NodeDescriptor, int> loopingSourceDistanceQueue;
2160  // first initialize starting nodes to the queue
2162  // one starting node?
2163  if (startingNode != NULL) {
2164  if (!looping) {
2165  sourceDistances_[startingNode] = startingLength;
2166  sourceDistanceQueue[descriptor(*startingNode)] = startingLength;
2167  } else {
2168  loopingSourceDistances_[startingNode] = startingLength;
2169  loopingSourceDistanceQueue[descriptor(*startingNode)] =
2170  startingLength;
2171  }
2173  } else {
2174  // insert all source nodes to the pqueue
2175  for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount(); i++) {
2176  NodeDescriptor nd = boost::vertex(i, graph_);
2177  std::pair <InEdgeIter, InEdgeIter> edges = boost::in_edges(
2178  nd, graph_);
2180  bool inEdgeFound = false;
2181  for (InEdgeIter ii = edges.first; ii != edges.second;
2182  ii++) {
2183  EdgeDescriptor ed = *ii;
2184  if (!graph_[ed]->isBackEdge()) {
2185  inEdgeFound = true;
2186  }
2187  }
2188  if (!inEdgeFound) {
2189  sourceDistances_[graph_[nd]] = startingLength;
2190  sourceDistanceQueue[nd] = startingLength;
2191  }
2192  }
2193  }
2195  // and then start sink calculation from each of them.
2196  while (!sourceDistanceQueue.empty()) {
2197  typename std::map <NodeDescriptor, int>::iterator sdBegin =
2198  sourceDistanceQueue.begin();
2200  NodeDescriptor nd = sdBegin->first;
2201  int len = sdBegin->second;
2202  sourceDistanceQueue.erase(sdBegin);
2204  // then test all successors..
2205  std::pair <OutEdgeIter, OutEdgeIter> edges = boost::out_edges(
2206  nd, graph_);
2207  for (OutEdgeIter oi = edges.first; oi != edges.second; oi++) {
2208  EdgeDescriptor ed = *oi;
2209  GraphEdge *edge = graph_[ed];
2210  NodeDescriptor headDesc = boost::target(ed, graph_);
2211  Node* headNode = graph_[headDesc];
2212  int eWeight = edgeWeight(*edge, *headNode);
2213  int destLen = len + eWeight;
2215  if (destLen > height_) {
2216  height_ = destLen;
2217  }
2219  // normal or loop-containing length?
2220  typename std::map<
2221  const GraphNode*,int, typename GraphNode::Comparator> &
2222  sourceDistances =
2223  edge->isBackEdge() ? loopingSourceDistances_:sourceDistances_;
2225  // find the place in the sourcedistances table
2226  typename std::map<
2227  const GraphNode*,int, typename GraphNode::Comparator>
2228  ::iterator sdIter = sourceDistances.find(headNode);
2230  // if not yet there, add
2231  if (sdIter == sourceDistances.end()) {
2232  sourceDistances[headNode] = destLen;
2233  } else {
2234  // this is longer? replace with this
2235  if (sdIter->second < destLen ) {
2236  sdIter->second = destLen;
2237  } else {
2238  // we have already been here, with bigger path.
2239  // no need to check successors.
2240  continue;
2241  }
2242  }
2244  // add to normal or loop-containing queue?
2245  typename std::map<
2246  NodeDescriptor,int> &
2247  mySourceDistanceQueue =
2248  edge->isBackEdge() ?
2249  loopingSourceDistanceQueue : sourceDistanceQueue;
2251  // then may enqueue the successor for processing it.
2252  typename std::map <NodeDescriptor, int>::iterator qiter =
2253  mySourceDistanceQueue.find(headDesc);
2254  if (qiter == mySourceDistanceQueue.end()) {
2255  // not found from queue, add it there.
2256  mySourceDistanceQueue[headDesc] = destLen;
2257  } else {
2258  // already is in queue.
2259  if (qiter->second < destLen) {
2260  // if this one has longer path, replace the queued
2261  // ath lenght with this path length.
2262  qiter->second = destLen;
2263  }
2264  }
2265  }
2266  }
2268  // then iterate over nodes that have one loop node pointing to them.
2269  // do not follow any other loop edges.
2271  while (!loopingSourceDistanceQueue.empty()) {
2272  typename std::map <NodeDescriptor, int>::iterator sdBegin =
2273  loopingSourceDistanceQueue.begin();
2275  NodeDescriptor nd = sdBegin->first;
2276  int len = sdBegin->second;
2277  loopingSourceDistanceQueue.erase(sdBegin);
2279  // then test all successors..
2280  std::pair <OutEdgeIter, OutEdgeIter> edges = boost::out_edges(
2281  nd, graph_);
2282  for (OutEdgeIter oi = edges.first; oi != edges.second; oi++) {
2283  EdgeDescriptor ed = *oi;
2284  GraphEdge *edge = graph_[ed];
2285  // do not follow no more loop edges.
2286  if (edge->isBackEdge()) {
2287  continue;
2288  }
2289  NodeDescriptor headDesc = boost::target(ed, graph_);
2290  Node* headNode = graph_[headDesc];
2291  int eWeight = edgeWeight(*edge, *headNode);
2292  int destLen = len + eWeight;
2294  // find the place in the sourcedistances table
2295  typename std::map<
2296  const GraphNode*,int, typename GraphNode::Comparator>
2297  ::iterator sdIter = loopingSourceDistances_.find(headNode);
2299  // if not yet there, add
2300  if (sdIter == loopingSourceDistances_.end()) {
2301  loopingSourceDistances_[headNode] = destLen;
2302  } else {
2303  // this is longer? replace with this
2304  if (sdIter->second < destLen ) {
2305  sdIter->second = destLen;
2306  } else {
2307  // we have already been here, with bigger path.
2308  // no need to check successors.
2309  continue;
2310  }
2311  }
2313  // then may enqueue the successor for processing it.
2314  typename std::map <NodeDescriptor, int>::iterator qiter =
2315  loopingSourceDistanceQueue.find(headDesc);
2316  if (qiter == loopingSourceDistanceQueue.end()) {
2317  // not found from queue, add it there.
2318  loopingSourceDistanceQueue[headDesc] = destLen;
2319  } else {
2320  // already is in queue.
2321  if (qiter->second < destLen) {
2322  // if this one has longer path, replace the queued
2323  // ath lenght with this path length.
2324  qiter->second = destLen;
2325  }
2326  }
2327  }
2328  }
2329 }
2331 /**
2332  * Recursively calculates path lenght from sinks to sources.
2333  *
2334  * @param node Node curently being processed
2335  * @param len Current lenght from sink.
2336  */
2337 template<typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
2338 void
2339 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::calculateSinkDistance(
2340  const Node& node, int len, bool looping ) const {
2341  if (len > 26000) {
2342  GraphBase<GraphNode,GraphEdge>::writeToDotFile("");
2343  assert(false&&"cannot calc sink distance for graph which is not dag");
2344  }
2346  std::map<const GraphNode*,int, typename GraphNode::Comparator> &
2347  sinkDistances = looping ? loopingSinkDistances_ : sinkDistances_;
2349  // find the place in the sourcedistances table
2350  typename std::map<
2351  const GraphNode*,int, typename GraphNode::Comparator>
2352  ::iterator sdIter = sinkDistances.find(&node);
2354  // if not yet there, add
2355  if (sdIter == sinkDistances.end()) {
2356  sinkDistances[&node] = len;
2357  } else {
2358  // this is longer? replace with this
2359  if (sdIter->second <= len ) {
2360  sdIter->second = len;
2361  } else {
2362  // we have already been here, with bigger path.
2363  // no need to check successors.
2364  return;
2365  }
2366  }
2368  if (len > height_) {
2369  height_ = len;
2370  }
2372  // priority queue of predecessor nodes. recurse always
2373  // to one with highest source distance
2374  std::priority_queue<PathLengthHelper> predecessorQueue;
2375  NodeDescriptor nd = descriptor(node);
2376  std::pair <InEdgeIter, InEdgeIter> edges = boost::in_edges(nd, graph_);
2377  for (InEdgeIter ii = edges.first; ii != edges.second; ii++) {
2378  EdgeDescriptor ed = *ii;
2379  Edge* edge = graph_[ed];
2380  // if already looping, may not be backedge.
2381  if (!looping || !edge->isBackEdge()) {
2382  NodeDescriptor td = boost::source(*ii, graph_);
2383  Node* tailNode = graph_[td];
2384  int eWeight = edgeWeight(*edge, node);
2385  int sdLen = len + eWeight;
2386  if (sdLen > height_) {
2387  height_ = sdLen;
2388  }
2390  // the predecessor is thru one loop?
2391  if (looping || edge->isBackEdge()) {
2392  sdIter = loopingSinkDistances_.find(tailNode);
2393  // if not yet there, add
2394  if (sdIter == loopingSinkDistances_.end()) {
2395  loopingSinkDistances_[tailNode] = sdLen;
2396  } else {
2397  // this is longer? replace with this
2398  if (sdIter->second < sdLen) {
2399  sdIter->second = sdLen;
2400  } else {
2401  // we have already been here, with bigger path.
2402  // no need to check successors.
2403  continue;
2404  }
2405  }
2406  predecessorQueue.push(
2407  PathLengthHelper(
2408  td, sdLen, sourceDistances_[tailNode], true));
2409  } else {
2410  sdIter = sinkDistances_.find(tailNode);
2411  // if not yet there, add
2412  if (sdIter == sinkDistances_.end()) {
2413  sinkDistances_[tailNode] = sdLen;
2414  } else {
2415  // this is longer? replace with this
2416  if (sdIter->second < sdLen ) {
2417  sdIter->second = sdLen;
2418  } else {
2419  // we have already been here, with bigger path.
2420  // no need to check successors.
2421  continue;
2422  }
2423  }
2424  predecessorQueue.push(
2425  PathLengthHelper(
2426  td, sdLen, sourceDistances_[tailNode], false));
2427  }
2428  }
2429  }
2431  // all predecessors are in the queue, loop it thru in
2432  // correct order.
2433  while (!predecessorQueue.empty()) {
2435  PathLengthHelper plh =;
2436  calculateSinkDistance(
2437  *graph_[plh.nd_], plh.len_, plh.looping_);
2438  predecessorQueue.pop();
2439  }
2440 }
2442 /**
2443  * Gives the lenght of a longest path a node belongs in a graph.
2444  *
2445  * If the path lenghts are not calculated calculates them.
2446  * If the graph is a cyclic graph, the function may never return.
2447  *
2448  * @param node Node belonging to a path.
2449  *
2450  * @return length of the longest path where given node belongs to
2451  */
2452 template<typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
2453 int
2454 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::maxPathLength(const GraphNode& node) const {
2455  return maxSinkDistance(node) + maxSourceDistance(node);
2456 }
2458 /**
2459  * Gives the lenght of a longest path from any source node to given node.
2460  *
2461  * If the path lenghts are not calculated calculates them.
2462  * If the graph is a cyclic graph without back edges correctly set,
2463  * the function may never return. If all cycles contain at least one
2464  * backedge, this should work, and it will then return longest path where
2465  * maximum of one loop is looped.
2466  *
2467  * @param node Node belonging to a path.
2468  *
2469  * @return length of the longest path where given node belongs to
2470  */
2471 template<typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
2472 int
2473 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::maxSourceDistance(const GraphNode& node)
2474  const {
2476  if (!hasNode(node)) {
2477  return -1;
2478  }
2481  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
2482  typename std::map<
2483  const GraphNode*,int,typename GraphNode::Comparator>::
2484  iterator iter = loopingSourceDistances_.find(&node);
2485  if (iter != loopingSourceDistances_.end()) {
2486  return iter->second;
2487  }
2489  typename std::map<
2490  const GraphNode*,int,typename GraphNode::Comparator>::
2491  iterator iter2 = sourceDistances_.find(&node);
2493  if (iter2 == sourceDistances_.end()) {
2494  if (i == 0) {
2495  calculateSourceDistances();
2496  }
2497  } else {
2498  return iter2->second;
2499  }
2500  }
2501  if (!hasNode(node)) {
2502  return -1;
2503  }
2504  std::cerr << "Node lacks source distance! " << node.nodeID() << " " << node.nodeID() << " "
2505  << node.toString() << std::endl;
2506  BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::writeToDotFile("");
2507  assert(0 && "source distance should have been found.");
2508  return -1;
2509 }
2511 /**
2512  * Gives the lenght of a longest path from the given node to any sink node.
2513  *
2514  * If the path lenghts are not calculated calculates them.
2515  * If the graph is a cyclic graph without back edges correctly set,
2516  * the function may never return. If all cycles contain at least one
2517  * backedge, this should work, and it will then return longest path where
2518  * maximum of one loop is looped.
2519  *
2520  * @param node Node belonging to a path.
2521  *
2522  * @return length of the longest path where given node belongs to
2523  */
2524 template<typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
2525 int
2526 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::maxSinkDistance(const GraphNode& node)
2527  const {
2529  if (!hasNode(node)) {
2530  return -1;
2531  }
2533  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
2534  typename std::map<
2535  const GraphNode*,int,typename GraphNode::Comparator>::
2536  iterator iter = loopingSinkDistances_.find(&node);
2537  if (iter != loopingSinkDistances_.end()) {
2538  if (sinkDistances_.find(&node) == sinkDistances_.end() ||
2539  iter->second > sinkDistances_[&node]) {
2540  return iter->second;
2541  }
2542  }
2544  typename std::map<
2545  const GraphNode*,int,typename GraphNode::Comparator>::
2546  iterator iter2 = sinkDistances_.find(&node);
2548  if (iter2 == sinkDistances_.end()) {
2549  calculatePathLengths();
2550  } else {
2551  return iter2->second;
2552  }
2553  }
2554  if (!hasNode(node)) {
2555  return -1;
2556  }
2557  std::cerr << "Node lacks sink distance! " << node.nodeID() << " "
2558  << node.toString() << std::endl;
2559  BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::writeToDotFile("");
2561  assert(0 && "sink distance should have been found.");
2562  return -1;
2563 }
2565 /**
2566  * Gives the longest path in acyclic graph.
2567  *
2568  * If the path lenghts are not calculated calculates them.
2569  * If the graph is a cyclic graph, the function may never return.
2570  *
2571  * @return Longst path in acyclic graph.
2572  */
2573 template<typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
2574 int
2575 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::height() const {
2577  if (height_ == -1) {
2578  calculatePathLengths();
2579  }
2581  return height_;
2582 }
2584 /**
2585  * Gives weight of a one edge in a graph.
2586  *
2587  * Derived class should overrider this with real implementation
2588  * which does the actual node weight calculation.
2589  *
2590  * This base class implementation always returns 1.
2591  *
2592  * @return The weight of an edge.
2593  */
2594 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
2595 int
2596 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::edgeWeight(
2597  GraphEdge&,const GraphNode&) const {
2598  return 1;
2599 }
2601 /**
2602  * Returns all edges that connect two nodes.
2603  *
2604  * @param nTail source node
2605  * @param nHead destination node
2606  * @return a set containing all edges from nTail to nHead
2607  */
2608 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
2609 typename BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::EdgeSet
2610 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::connectingEdges(
2611  const GraphNode& nTail, const GraphNode& nHead) const {
2613  EdgeSet headIn = inEdges(nHead);
2614  EdgeSet tailOut = outEdges(nTail);
2615  EdgeSet intersection;
2616  SetTools::intersection(headIn, tailOut, intersection);
2617  return intersection;
2618 }
2620 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
2621 const TCEString&
2622 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::name() const {
2623  return name_;
2624 }
2626 /**
2627  * Finds all paths between nodes and updates the internal path cache.
2628  *
2629  * This data is used internally to speed up hasPath().
2630  */
2631 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
2632 void
2633 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::findAllPaths() const {
2635  using namespace boost;
2637  typedef std::map<EdgeDescriptor, int> WeightMap;
2638  WeightMap weightsMap;
2639  associative_property_map<WeightMap> weights(weightsMap);
2641  typedef std::pair<EdgeIter, EdgeIter> EdgeIterPair;
2642  EdgeIterPair edges = boost::edges(graph_);
2643  for (EdgeIter i = edges.first; i != edges.second; i++) {
2644  weightsMap[*i] = 0;
2645  }
2647  const int nodes = nodeCount();
2648  delete pathCache_;
2649  pathCache_ = new PathCache;
2650  for (int i = 0; i < nodes; ++i) {
2651  pathCache_->push_back(std::vector<int>(nodes));
2652  }
2653  johnson_all_pairs_shortest_paths(graph_, *pathCache_, weight_map(weights));
2654 }
2656 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
2657 bool
2658 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::hasPath(
2659  GraphNode& src, const GraphNode& dest) const {
2661  if (&src == &dest) {
2662  return true;
2663  }
2665  if (pathCache_ != NULL) {
2666  return (*pathCache_)[descriptor(src)][descriptor(dest)] !=
2667  (std::numeric_limits<int>::max)();
2668  }
2669  NodeSet foundNodes;
2670  NodeSet queue;
2671  queue.insert(&src);
2672  int dstSinkDist = -1;
2673  if (height_ != -1) {
2674  dstSinkDist = maxSinkDistance(dest);
2675  }
2676  while (!queue.empty()) {
2677  GraphNode* current = *queue.begin();
2678  queue.erase(current);
2680  int sd = INT_MAX;
2681  if (height_ != -1) {
2682  sd = maxSinkDistance(*current);
2683  }
2684  if (sd >= dstSinkDist) {
2685  NodeDescriptor nd = descriptor(*current);
2686  std::pair<OutEdgeIter, OutEdgeIter> edges =
2687  boost::out_edges(nd, graph_);
2688  for (OutEdgeIter ei = edges.first; ei != edges.second; ei++) {
2689  EdgeDescriptor ed = *ei;
2690  const Edge& edge = *graph_[ed];
2691  if (edge.isBackEdge()) {
2692  continue;
2693  }
2694  NodeDescriptor hd = boost::target(ed, graph_);
2695  Node* const head = graph_[hd];
2697  if (head == &dest) {
2698  return true;
2699  }
2700  if (foundNodes.find(head) == foundNodes.end()) {
2701  queue.insert(head);
2702  foundNodes.insert(head);
2703  // make sure found from the descriptor cache.
2704  nodeDescriptors_[head] = hd;
2705  }
2706  }
2707  }
2708  }
2709  return false;
2710 }
2712 /**
2713  * Detects cycles that happen without proper backedge properties
2714  * This routine is currently quite slow , there is room for
2715  * optimization. This is to be used for debugging.
2716  */
2717 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
2718 bool
2719 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::detectIllegalCycles() const {
2720  for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount(); i++) {
2721  GraphNode* originalNode = &node(i);
2722  NodeSet queuedNodes;
2723  NodeSet foundNodes;
2724  queuedNodes.insert(originalNode);
2725  foundNodes.insert(originalNode);
2726  while (!queuedNodes.empty()) {
2727  const GraphNode* n = *queuedNodes.begin();
2728  queuedNodes.erase(queuedNodes.begin());
2729  EdgeSet es = outEdges(*n);
2730  for (typename EdgeSet::iterator ei = es.begin(); ei != es.end(); ei++) {
2731  const GraphEdge* e = *ei;
2732  if (!e->isBackEdge()) {
2733  GraphNode& head = headNode(*e);
2734  if (&head == originalNode) {
2735  std::cerr << "Detected illegal cycle between nodes: "
2736  << originalNode->toString() << " and "
2737  << n->toString() << " edge: " <<
2738  e->toString() << std::endl;
2739  return true;
2740  }
2741  if (!AssocTools::containsKey(foundNodes,&head)) {
2742  foundNodes.insert(&head);
2743  queuedNodes.insert(&head);
2744  }
2745  }
2746  }
2747  }
2748  }
2749  return false;
2750 }
2752 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
2753 bool
2754 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::PathLengthHelper::operator<(
2755  const BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::PathLengthHelper& other) const {
2756  return sd_ < other.sd_;
2757 }
2759 template <typename GraphNode, typename GraphEdge>
2760 BoostGraph<GraphNode, GraphEdge>::PathLengthHelper::PathLengthHelper(
2761  typename BoostGraph<GraphNode,GraphEdge>::NodeDescriptor nd,
2762  int len, int sd, bool looping) :
2763  nd_(nd), len_(len), sd_(sd), looping_(looping) {}