This is the complete list of members for GenerateProcessor, including all inherited members.
bem_ | ProGe::ProGeUI | private |
checkIfNull(void *nullPointer, const std::string &errorMsg) | ProGe::ProGeUI | private |
DEFAULT_ENTITY_STR | ProGe::ProGeUI | privatestatic |
entityName_ | ProGe::ProGeUI | private |
generateIDF(const ProGeOptions &options, std::ostream &verboseStream) | ProGe::ProGeUI | private |
GenerateProcessor() | GenerateProcessor | |
generateProcessor(int argc, char *argv[]) | GenerateProcessor | |
ProGe::ProGeUI::generateProcessor(const ProGeOptions &options, int imemWidthInMAUs, std::ostream &errorStream, std::ostream &warningStream, std::ostream &verboseStream) | ProGe::ProGeUI | |
generateScripts(const ProGe::HDL language, const std::string &dstDir, const std::string &progeOutDir, const std::string &sharedOutDir, const std::string &testBenchDir, const std::string &simulationRuntime) | ProGe::ProGeUI | |
generateTestBench(const ProGe::HDL language, const std::string &dstDir, const std::string &progeOutDir) | ProGe::ProGeUI | |
generator_ | ProGe::ProGeUI | private |
getOutputDir(const ProGeCmdLineOptions &options, std::string &outputDir) | GenerateProcessor | private |
idf_ | ProGe::ProGeUI | private |
integrateProcessor(std::ostream &warningStream, std::ostream &errorStream, std::string progeOutDir, std::string sharedOutputDir, const std::string &platformIntegrator, const std::string &coreEntityName, const std::string &programName, const std::string &deviceFamily, const std::string &deviceName, MemType imem, MemType dmem, HDL language, int fmax, bool syncReset) | ProGe::ProGeUI | protected |
listICDecPluginParameters(const std::string &pluginFile) const | GenerateProcessor | private |
listIntegrators() const | GenerateProcessor | private |
loadBinaryEncoding(const BinaryEncoding &bem) | ProGe::ProGeUI | |
loadBinaryEncoding(const std::string &bemFile) | ProGe::ProGeUI | protected |
loadICDecoderGeneratorPlugin(const std::string &pluginFile, const std::string &pluginName) | ProGe::ProGeUI | protected |
loadMachine(const TTAMachine::Machine &adf) | ProGe::ProGeUI | |
loadMachine(const std::string &adfFile) | ProGe::ProGeUI | protected |
loadMachineImplementation(const IDF::MachineImplementation &idf) | ProGe::ProGeUI | |
loadMachineImplementation(const std::string &idfFile) | ProGe::ProGeUI | protected |
loadProcessorConfiguration(const std::string &configurationFile) | ProGe::ProGeUI | protected |
machine_ | ProGe::ProGeUI | protected |
plugin_ | ProGe::ProGeUI | private |
pluginFile_ | ProGe::ProGeUI | private |
pluginTool_ | ProGe::ProGeUI | private |
ProGeUI() | ProGe::ProGeUI | |
readImemParameters(MemInfo &imem) const | ProGe::ProGeUI | private |
readLSUParameters(MemInfo &dmem) const | ProGe::ProGeUI | private |
string2MemType(const std::string &memoryString) const | GenerateProcessor | private |
validIntegratorParameters(const ProGeCmdLineOptions &options) const | GenerateProcessor | private |
~GenerateProcessor() | GenerateProcessor | virtual |
~ProGeUI() | ProGe::ProGeUI | virtual |