Steps to install TCE in a Debian / Ubuntu based distro ------------------------------------------------------- These instructions install everything locally under $HOME/local. * Install the required tools and libraries: This needs root/admin privileges. ## In Debian 7: sudo apt-get install libwxgtk2.8-dev libboost-{filesystem,graph,regex,thread}-dev \ tcl8.4-dev libedit-dev libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libxerces-c2-dev g++ make latex2html \ libffi-dev autoconf automake libtool subversion git ## Ubuntu 14.04 LTS: ## You need to enable the universe and multiverse repositories first: ## sudo apt-get install libwxgtk2.8-dev libboost-all-dev \ tcl8.4-dev libedit-dev libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libxerces-c2-dev g++ make latex2html \ libffi-dev autoconf automake libtool subversion git cmake ## Ubuntu 16.04 LTS: ## You need to enable the universe and multiverse repositories first: ## sudo apt-get install libwxgtk3.0-dev libboost-all-dev \ tcl8.6-dev libedit-dev libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libxerces-c-dev g++ make latex2html \ libffi-dev autoconf automake libtool subversion git cmake * Get the latest TCE source code from the version control system: git clone tce-devel * Build and install LLVM (the TCE compiler's backbone): cd tce-devel/tce sudo apt-get install subversion cmake sudo tools/scripts/ $HOME/local * Now you need to set the LLVM libraries and binaries locations in your home dir to search paths: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$HOME/local/lib export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/local/bin export LDFLAGS=-L$HOME/local/lib You might want to put the above environment variable modification commands to your ~/.bashrc or similar so they are taken in effect automatically whenever you start a new shell. Otherwise you need to remember to enter them before attempting to use TCE. * Build and install TCE. ./ && ./configure --prefix=$HOME/local && make && make install Now TCE commands such as 'ttasim' should work. Check this with: ttasim --version You can now try to run the smoke test script to see if it finds any problems with your installation: # You might need to add your TCE to the dynamic lib search paths: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/lib/tce # If this prints version correctly the dynlib is found correcty: ttasim -v # Then run the smoke test: tce-selftest -v If this finished correctly, you are all set! For learning to use TCE, a good way is to start with the TCE user manual's tutorials, e.g., the "TCE tour". Later on, if you want to update your TCE installation with the latest changes committed in the version control system, you can do the following steps: * Update the source code modifications. cd tce-devel/tce git pull * Build and install the updated TCE: make && make install