OpenASIP  2.0
Variables File Reference
#include <iostream>
#include "CmdLineOptions.hh"
#include "ExplorerCmdLineOptions.hh"
#include "TCEString.hh"
#include "tce_config.h"
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const std::string SWL_PLUGIN_NAME = "explorer_plugin"
 Long switch string for giving an explorer plugin to be used. More...
const std::string SWS_PLUGIN_NAME = "e"
 Short switch string for giving an explorer plugin to be used. More...
const std::string SWL_PLUGIN_INFO = "plugin_info"
 Long switch string for giving an explorer plugin info. More...
const std::string SWS_PLUGIN_INFO = "p"
 Short switch string for giving an explorer plugin info. More...
const std::string SWL_PLUGIN_PARAM = "plugin_param"
 Long switch string for giving an explorer plugin to be used. More...
const std::string SWS_PLUGIN_PARAM = "u"
 Short switch string for giving an explorer plugin to be used. More...
const std::string DSCLI_TITLE = "Design Space Explorer for TTA."
 Design space explorer title. More...
const std::string SWL_TEST_DIR_ADD = "add_app_dir"
 Long switch string for adding a application directory. More...
const std::string SWS_TEST_DIR_ADD = "d"
 Short switch string for adding a application directory. More...
const std::string SWL_START_ID = "start"
 Long switch string for giving a start configuration id. More...
const std::string SWS_START_ID = "s"
 Short switch string for giving a start configuration id. More...
const std::string SWL_CONFIGURATION_SUMMARY = "conf_summary"
 Long switch string for number of configurations flag. More...
const std::string SWS_CONFIGURATION_SUMMARY = "c"
 Short switch string for number of configurations flag. More...
const std::string SWL_PARETO_SET = "pareto_set"
 Switch strings for the pareto set flag. More...
const std::string SWS_PARETO_SET = "t"
const std::string SWL_CONFIGURATION_COUNT = "conf_count"
 Long switch string for number of configurations flag. More...
const std::string SWS_CONFIGURATION_COUNT = "n"
 Short switch string for number of configurations flag. More...
const std::string SWL_CONFIGURATION_WRITE = "write_conf"
 Long switch string for writing out configuration files. More...
const std::string SWS_CONFIGURATION_WRITE = "w"
 Short switch string for writing out configuration files. More...
const std::string SWL_TEST_DIR_RM = "rm_app"
 Long switch string for removing application paths from dsdb. More...
const std::string SWS_TEST_DIR_RM = "r"
 Short switch string for removing application paths from dsdb. More...
const std::string SWL_LIST_APPS = "list_apps"
 Long switch string for listing application paths in the dsdb. More...
const std::string SWS_LIST_APPS = "l"
 Short switch string for listing loadable plugins. More...
const std::string SWL_LIST_PLUGINS = "list_plugins"
 Long switch string for listing loadable plugins. More...
const std::string SWS_LIST_PLUGINS = "g"
 Short switch string for listing application paths in the dsdb. More...
const std::string SWL_DUMP_BEST = "dump_best"
const std::string SWL_ADF_OUT_FILE = "adf_out"
const std::string SWS_HDB_FILE = "b"
 Short switch string for hdb file. More...
const std::string SWL_HDB_FILE = "hdb"
 Long switch string for hdb file. More...
const std::string SWS_ADF_FILE = "a"
 Short switch string for adf file. More...
const std::string SWL_ADF_FILE = "adf"
 Long switch string for adf file. More...
const std::string SWS_IDF_FILE = "i"
 Short switch string for idf file. More...
const std::string SWL_IDF_FILE = "idf"
 Long switch string for idf file. More...
const std::string SWS_COMPILER_OPTIONS = "f"
 Short switch string of options to pass to compiler. More...
const std::string SWL_COMPILER_OPTIONS = "compiler_options"
 Long switch string of options to pass to compiler. More...

Detailed Description

Declaration of ExplorerCmdLineOptions.

Jari Mäntyneva 2007 (
Pekka Jääskeläinen 2011
rating: red

Definition in file

Variable Documentation


const std::string DSCLI_TITLE = "Design Space Explorer for TTA."

Design space explorer title.

Definition at line 55 of file

Referenced by ExplorerCmdLineOptions::printVersion().


const std::string SWL_ADF_FILE = "adf"


const std::string SWL_ADF_OUT_FILE = "adf_out"


const std::string SWL_COMPILER_OPTIONS = "compiler_options"


const std::string SWL_CONFIGURATION_COUNT = "conf_count"

Long switch string for number of configurations flag.

Definition at line 72 of file

Referenced by ExplorerCmdLineOptions::ExplorerCmdLineOptions(), and ExplorerCmdLineOptions::numberOfConfigurations().


const std::string SWL_CONFIGURATION_SUMMARY = "conf_summary"

Long switch string for number of configurations flag.

Definition at line 65 of file

Referenced by ExplorerCmdLineOptions::ExplorerCmdLineOptions(), ExplorerCmdLineOptions::printSummary(), and ExplorerCmdLineOptions::summaryOrdering().


const std::string SWL_CONFIGURATION_WRITE = "write_conf"


const std::string SWL_DUMP_BEST = "dump_best"


const std::string SWL_HDB_FILE = "hdb"


const std::string SWL_IDF_FILE = "idf"


const std::string SWL_LIST_APPS = "list_apps"

Long switch string for listing application paths in the dsdb.

Definition at line 84 of file

Referenced by ExplorerCmdLineOptions::ExplorerCmdLineOptions(), and ExplorerCmdLineOptions::printApplications().


const std::string SWL_LIST_PLUGINS = "list_plugins"

Long switch string for listing loadable plugins.

Definition at line 88 of file

Referenced by ExplorerCmdLineOptions::ExplorerCmdLineOptions(), and ExplorerCmdLineOptions::printPlugins().


const std::string SWL_PARETO_SET = "pareto_set"

Switch strings for the pareto set flag.

Definition at line 69 of file

Referenced by ExplorerCmdLineOptions::ExplorerCmdLineOptions(), and ExplorerCmdLineOptions::paretoSetValues().


const std::string SWL_PLUGIN_INFO = "plugin_info"

Long switch string for giving an explorer plugin info.

Definition at line 47 of file

Referenced by ExplorerCmdLineOptions::ExplorerCmdLineOptions(), and ExplorerCmdLineOptions::pluginInfo().


const std::string SWL_PLUGIN_NAME = "explorer_plugin"

Long switch string for giving an explorer plugin to be used.

Definition at line 43 of file

Referenced by ExplorerCmdLineOptions::ExplorerCmdLineOptions(), and ExplorerCmdLineOptions::explorerPlugin().


const std::string SWL_PLUGIN_PARAM = "plugin_param"


const std::string SWL_START_ID = "start"

Long switch string for giving a start configuration id.

Definition at line 61 of file

Referenced by ExplorerCmdLineOptions::ExplorerCmdLineOptions(), and ExplorerCmdLineOptions::startConfiguration().


const std::string SWL_TEST_DIR_ADD = "add_app_dir"


const std::string SWL_TEST_DIR_RM = "rm_app"

Long switch string for removing application paths from dsdb.

Definition at line 80 of file

Referenced by ExplorerCmdLineOptions::applicationIDToRemove(), ExplorerCmdLineOptions::applicationIDToRemoveCount(), and ExplorerCmdLineOptions::ExplorerCmdLineOptions().


const std::string SWS_ADF_FILE = "a"

Short switch string for adf file.

Definition at line 100 of file

Referenced by ExplorerCmdLineOptions::ExplorerCmdLineOptions().


const std::string SWS_COMPILER_OPTIONS = "f"

Short switch string of options to pass to compiler.

Definition at line 108 of file

Referenced by ExplorerCmdLineOptions::ExplorerCmdLineOptions().


const std::string SWS_CONFIGURATION_COUNT = "n"

Short switch string for number of configurations flag.

Definition at line 74 of file

Referenced by ExplorerCmdLineOptions::ExplorerCmdLineOptions().


const std::string SWS_CONFIGURATION_SUMMARY = "c"

Short switch string for number of configurations flag.

Definition at line 67 of file

Referenced by ExplorerCmdLineOptions::ExplorerCmdLineOptions().


const std::string SWS_CONFIGURATION_WRITE = "w"

Short switch string for writing out configuration files.

Definition at line 78 of file

Referenced by ExplorerCmdLineOptions::ExplorerCmdLineOptions().


const std::string SWS_HDB_FILE = "b"

Short switch string for hdb file.

Definition at line 96 of file

Referenced by ExplorerCmdLineOptions::ExplorerCmdLineOptions().


const std::string SWS_IDF_FILE = "i"

Short switch string for idf file.

Definition at line 104 of file

Referenced by ExplorerCmdLineOptions::ExplorerCmdLineOptions().


const std::string SWS_LIST_APPS = "l"

Short switch string for listing loadable plugins.

Definition at line 86 of file

Referenced by ExplorerCmdLineOptions::ExplorerCmdLineOptions().


const std::string SWS_LIST_PLUGINS = "g"

Short switch string for listing application paths in the dsdb.

Definition at line 90 of file

Referenced by ExplorerCmdLineOptions::ExplorerCmdLineOptions().


const std::string SWS_PARETO_SET = "t"


const std::string SWS_PLUGIN_INFO = "p"

Short switch string for giving an explorer plugin info.

Definition at line 49 of file

Referenced by ExplorerCmdLineOptions::ExplorerCmdLineOptions().


const std::string SWS_PLUGIN_NAME = "e"

Short switch string for giving an explorer plugin to be used.

Definition at line 45 of file

Referenced by ExplorerCmdLineOptions::ExplorerCmdLineOptions().


const std::string SWS_PLUGIN_PARAM = "u"

Short switch string for giving an explorer plugin to be used.

Definition at line 53 of file

Referenced by ExplorerCmdLineOptions::ExplorerCmdLineOptions().


const std::string SWS_START_ID = "s"

Short switch string for giving a start configuration id.

Definition at line 63 of file

Referenced by ExplorerCmdLineOptions::ExplorerCmdLineOptions().


const std::string SWS_TEST_DIR_ADD = "d"

Short switch string for adding a application directory.

Definition at line 59 of file

Referenced by ExplorerCmdLineOptions::ExplorerCmdLineOptions().


const std::string SWS_TEST_DIR_RM = "r"

Short switch string for removing application paths from dsdb.

Definition at line 82 of file

Referenced by ExplorerCmdLineOptions::ExplorerCmdLineOptions().