This is the complete list of members for DefaultDecoderGenerator, including all inherited members.
addGlockPortToDecoder() | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
addLockReqPortToDecoder() | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
bem_ | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
busCntrlSignalPinOfSocket(const TTAMachine::Socket &socket, const TTAMachine::Bus &bus) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
busControlWidth(const TTAMachine::Socket &socket) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
busMuxCntrlRegister(const TTAMachine::Bus &bus) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
busMuxCntrlSignal(const TTAMachine::Bus &bus) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
busMuxEnableRegister(const TTAMachine::Bus &bus) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
busMuxEnableSignal(const TTAMachine::Bus &bus) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
BusSet typedef | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
completeDecoderBlock(const ProGe::NetlistGenerator &nlGenerator, ProGe::NetlistBlock &coreBlock) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | |
connectedBuses(const TTAMachine::Socket &socket) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
containsSimilarGuard(const std::set< TTAMachine::PortGuard * > &guardSet, const TTAMachine::PortGuard &guard) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
containsSimilarGuard(const std::set< TTAMachine::RegisterGuard * > &guardSet, const TTAMachine::RegisterGuard &guard) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
dataControlWidth(const TTAMachine::Socket &socket) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
decoderBlock_ | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
DefaultDecoderGenerator(const TTAMachine::Machine &machine, const BinaryEncoding &bem, const CentralizedControlICGenerator &icGenerator) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | |
dstFieldSignal(const std::string &busName) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
entityNameStr_ | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
findGuard(const GPRGuardEncoding &encoding) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
findGuard(const FUGuardEncoding &encoding) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
fuLoadCntrlPort(const std::string &fuName, const std::string &portName) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
fuLoadSignalName(const std::string &fuName, const std::string &portName) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
fuOpcodeCntrlPort(const std::string &fu) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
fuOpcodeSignalName(const std::string &fu) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
gcuDataPort(const std::string &nameInADF) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
generateAlternateGlockReqHandling_ | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
generateBusEnable_ | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
generateDebugger_ | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
generateInstructionDecoder(const ProGe::NetlistGenerator &nlGenerator, const std::string &dstDirectory) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | |
generateLockTrace_ | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
GLOCK_PORT_NAME | DefaultDecoderGenerator | static |
GlockBitType typedef | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
glockPortWidth() const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | |
GlockReqBitType typedef | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
glockRequestWidth() const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | |
guardFieldSignal(const std::string &busName) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
guardPortName(const TTAMachine::Guard &guard) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
icGenerator_ | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
immSlotSignal(const std::string &immSlot) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
indentation(unsigned int level) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
instructionTemplateCondition(const ProGe::HDL language, const std::string &iTempName) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
iuReadLoadCntrlPort(const std::string &unitName, const std::string &portName) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
iuReadLoadCntrlSignal(const std::string &unitName, const std::string &portName) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
iuReadOpcodeCntrlPort(const std::string &unitName, const std::string &portName) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
iuReadOpcodeCntrlSignal(const std::string &unitName, const std::string &portName) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
iuWriteLoadCntrlPort(const std::string &unitName) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
iuWriteLoadCntrlSignal(const std::string &unitName) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
iuWriteOpcodeCntrlPort(const std::string &unitName) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
iuWriteOpcodeCntrlSignal(const std::string &unitName) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
iuWritePort(const std::string &iuName) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
iuWriteSignal(const std::string &iuName) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
language_ | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
lockTraceStartingCycle_ | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
machine_ | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
moveFieldSignal(const std::string &busName) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
needsBusControl(const TTAMachine::Socket &socket) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
needsDataControl(const TTAMachine::Socket &socket) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
nlGenerator_ | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
opcode(const TTAMachine::HWOperation &operation) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
opcodeWidth(const TTAMachine::FunctionUnit &fu) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
portCodeCondition(const ProGe::HDL language, const SocketEncoding &socketEnc, const PortCode &code) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
registerBits | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
registerVectors | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
requiredRFLatencies(const TTAMachine::ImmediateUnit &iu) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | |
rfLoadCntrlPort(const std::string &rfName, const std::string &portName) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
rfLoadSignalName(const std::string &rfName, const std::string &portName, bool async=false) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
rfOpcodeCntrlPort(const std::string &rfName, const std::string &portName) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
rfOpcodeFromSrcOrDstField(const ProGe::HDL language, const SocketEncoding &socketEnc, const PortCode &code) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
rfOpcodeSignalName(const std::string &rfName, const std::string &portName, bool async=false) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
rfOpcodeWidth(const TTAMachine::BaseRegisterFile &rf) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
RISCV_SIMM_PORT_IN_NAME | DefaultDecoderGenerator | static |
sacEnabled(const std::string &rfName) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
setGenerateBusEnable(bool value) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | |
setGenerateDebugger(bool generate) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | |
setGenerateLockTrace(bool generate) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | |
setGenerateNoLoopbackGlock(bool generate) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | |
SetHDL(ProGe::HDL language) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | |
setLockTraceStartingCycle(unsigned int startCycle) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | |
setSyncReset(bool value) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | |
simmCntrlSignalName(const std::string &busName) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
simmControlPort(const std::string &busName) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
simmDataPort(const std::string &busName) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
simmDataSignalName(const std::string &busName) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
simmPortWidth(const TTAMachine::Bus &bus) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
socketBusCntrlSignalName(const std::string &name) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
socketBusControlPort(const std::string &name) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
socketDataCntrlSignalName(const std::string &name) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
socketDataControlPort(const std::string &name) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
socketEncodingCondition(const ProGe::HDL language, const SlotField &srcField, const std::string &socketName) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
squashSignal(const std::string &busName) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
srcFieldSignal(const std::string &busName) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
syncReset_ | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
unitGlockBitMap_ | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
UnitGlockBitMapType typedef | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
unitGlockReqBitMap_ | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
UnitGlockReqBitMapType typedef | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
verifyCompatibility() const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | |
writeBusControlRulesOfOutputSocket(const TTAMachine::Socket &socket, std::ostream &stream) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeBusControlRulesOfSImmSocketOfBus(const TTAMachine::Bus &bus, std::ostream &stream) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeBusMuxControlLogic(const TTAMachine::Bus &bus, const std::set< TTAMachine::Socket * > outputSockets, std::ostream &stream) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeComment(std::ostream &stream, int indent, std::string comment) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeControlRegisterMappings(std::ostream &stream) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeControlRulesOfFUInputPort(const TTAMachine::BaseFUPort &port, std::ostream &stream) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeControlRulesOfFUOutputPort(const TTAMachine::BaseFUPort &port, std::ostream &stream) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeControlRulesOfRFReadPort(const TTAMachine::RFPort &port, std::ostream &stream) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeControlRulesOfRFWritePort(const TTAMachine::RFPort &port, std::ostream &stream) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeDismemberingAndITDecompression(std::ostream &stream) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeFUCntrlSignals(std::ostream &stream) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeFUCntrlSignals(const TTAMachine::FunctionUnit &fu, std::ostream &stream) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeFullNOPConstant(std::ostream &stream) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeGlockHandlingSignals(std::ostream &stream) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeGlockMapping(std::ostream &stream) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeImmediateSlotSignals(std::ostream &stream) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeInstructionDecoder(std::ostream &stream) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeInstructionDecoding(std::ostream &stream) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeInstructionDismembering(std::ostream &stream) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeInstructionTemplateProcedures(const ProGe::HDL language, const TTAMachine::InstructionTemplate &iTemp, int indLevel, std::ostream &stream) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeLockDumpCode(std::ostream &stream) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeLongImmediateTagSignal(std::ostream &stream) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeLongImmediateWriteProcess(std::ostream &stream) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeMainDecodingProcess(std::ostream &stream) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeMoveFieldSignals(std::ostream &stream) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeNOPEncodingVHDL() const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writePipelineFillProcess(std::ostream &stream) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writePipelineFillSignals(std::ostream &stream) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeResettingOfControlRegisters(std::ostream &stream) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeRFCntrlSignals(std::ostream &stream) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeRFSRAMDecodingProcess(std::ostream &stream) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeRulesForDestinationControlSignals(std::ostream &stream) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeRulesForSourceControlSignals(std::ostream &stream) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeSignalDeclaration(std::ostream &stream, ProGe::DataType type, std::string sigName, int width) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeSimmDataSignal(const TTAMachine::Bus &bus, std::ostream &stream) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeSocketCntrlSignals(std::ostream &stream) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeSquashSignalGenerationProcess(const TTAMachine::Bus &bus, std::ostream &stream) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeSquashSignalGenerationProcesses(std::ostream &stream) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeSquashSignals(std::ostream &stream) const | DefaultDecoderGenerator | private |
writeSquashSignalSubstitution(const ProGe::HDL language, const TTAMachine::Bus &bus, const GuardEncoding &enc, const TTAMachine::Guard &guard, std::ostream &stream, int indLevel) | DefaultDecoderGenerator | privatestatic |
~DefaultDecoderGenerator() | DefaultDecoderGenerator | virtual |