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MOVE project
The Bibliography
For postcript versions of the most
of the mentioned below papers click here .
[1] J.M. Mulder, R.J. Portier, A. Srivastava,
and R. in 't Velt. An efficient emulation mechanism for hardwired pipelined
processors. In Proceedings of the 21nd workshop on microprogramming
and microarchitectures, November 1988.
[2] J.M. Mulder et al. A framework for
application-specific architecture design. In Proceedings of the 16th
International Symphosium on Computer Architecture, May 1989.
[3] J.M. Mulder and R.J. Portier. Cost-effective
design of application-specific VLIW processors using the SCARCE framework.
In Proceedings of the 22nd workshop on microprogramming and microarchitectures,
August 1989.
[4] J.M. Mulder and P. Stravers. A Flexible
VLSI Core for an Adaptable Architecture. In Proceedings of the 22nd
workshop on micrprogramming and microarchitectures, August 1989.
[5] J.M. Mulder, R. Portier, and A. Srivastava.
A framework for high-speed controller design. In Proceedings of the
23th workshop on microprogramming and microarchitectures, November
[6] J.M. Mulder. Application-Specific
Controllers as Regular Structures in a Silicon Compiler. In Proceedings
of the Silicon Design Conference, November 1990.
[7] H. Corporaal and J.G.E. Olk.
A Scalable Communication Processor Design Supporting Systolic Communication.
In EDMCC-2 Conference proceedings, Munchen, April 1991.
[8] H. Corporaal and J.G.E. Olk.
Design and Evaluation of Communication Processors supporting Message Passing
in Distributed Memory Systems. In DMCC-6 conference proceedings,
Portland, April 1991.
[9] H. Corporaal and J.G.E. Olk.
A Scalable VLSI MIMD Routing Cell. In DMCC-6 conference proceedings,
Portland, April 1991.
[10] Henk Corporaal and Hans (J.M.)
Mulder. MOVE: A framework for high-performance processor design. In Supercomputing-91,
pages 692-701, Albuquerque, November 1991.
[11] Jan Hoogerbrugge and Henk
Corporaal. Comparing software pipelining for an operation-triggered and
a transport-triggered architecture. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science
641, Compiler Construction, pages 219-228. Springer-Verlag, 1992.
[12] Henk Corporaal. Evaluating Transport
Triggered Architectures for scalar applications. Microprocessing and
Microprogramming, 38:45-52, September 1993.
[13] Jan Hoogerbrugge and Henk
Corporaal. Transport-triggering vs. operation-triggering. In Compiler
Construction conference CC-94, 1994.
[14] Jan Hoogerbrugge, Henk Corporaal,
and Hans Mulder. Software pipelining for transport-triggered architectures.
In MICRO-24, Albuquerque, November 1991.
[15] Henk Corporaal. Transport triggered
architectures examined for general purpose applications. In Sixth Workshop
Computer Systems, Delft, pages 55-71, January 1993.
[16] Andy Verberne and Henk Corporaal.
Towards efficient code scheduling for transport triggered architectures.
In Fourth symposium on Computer Systems, Amsterdam, October 1991.
[17] Robert Portier. GEPS, global enhanced
pipeline scheduling. Technical Report submitted for publication, Delft
University of Technology, Electr. Eng. Department, The Netherlands, August
[18] Henk Corporaal. Move32int, architecture
and programmer's reference manual. Technical Report 1-68340-44-(1993)01,
Delft University of Technology, Electr. Eng. Department, The Netherlands,
[19] Henk Corporaal and Paul van
der Arend. Move32int, a sea of gates realization of a high performance
transport triggered architecture. Microprocessing and Microprogramming,
38:53-60, September 1993.
[20] Eddy Olk and Henk Corporaal. The osi
model applied to mimd communication processor design. In PARCO'93,
Grenoble, September 1993.
[21] Paul Stravers and Eric Aardoom.
A procesor framework customized for navigation computations. INTEGRATION,
the VLSI journal, 14(2):197-214, December 1992.
Last modified on March 18th, 1997 by Irek Karkowski,