4 OSAL search paths

Default paths, where OSAL operations are searched allows local overriding of global operation definitions. The search paths are the following (the path where the operation is first found will be effective):

  1. A custom path in the $TCE_OSAL_PATH/ environment variable.

  2. Operations in current working directory:

  3. $PWD/data/
    where $PWD is your current working directory

  4. TCE_SRC_ROOT/opset/base/
    where TCE_SRC_ROOT/ is the TCE source code directory.

  5. Users local custom operations:
    where $HOME is users home directory.

  6. System-wide shared custom operations: TCE_INSTALLATION_DIR/opset/base/
    where TCE_INSTALLATION_DIR is the path where TCE accessories is installed (for example /usr/local/share/tce).

  7. Default predefined and standard operations:
    where TCE_INSTALLATION_DIR is the path where TCE accessories is installed (for example /usr/local/share/tce).

Pekka Jääskeläinen 2018-03-12