Go to the documentation of this file.
DataDependenceGraph * ddg_
The data dependence graph built from the basic block.
TTAMachine::Machine * machine
the architecture definition of the estimated processor
std::priority_queue< MoveNodeGroup, std::vector< MoveNodeGroup >, RLPriorityCriticalPath > ReadyMoveNodeGroupList
A prioritized list for the ready-to-be-scheduled move node groups.
void mightBeReady(MoveNode &node)
virtual DataDependenceGraph & dataDependenceGraph()
ReadyMoveNodeGroupList readyList_
The prioritized ready list.
void initializeReadylist()
Initializes ready list from nodes that are ready.
CriticalPathBBMoveNodeSelector(TTAProgram::BasicBlock &bb, const TTAMachine::Machine &machine)
virtual MoveNodeGroup candidates()
virtual void notifyScheduled(MoveNode &node)
bool isReadyToBeScheduled(MoveNode &node) const
virtual ~CriticalPathBBMoveNodeSelector()